Slow query analysis
Reviewing all queries run recently which took longer, on average, than 500ms (or so), turned up interesting results. This analysis was started using pg_stat_statements_history with a query along these lines:
select queryid,substring(query,1,200),sum(calls),sum(total_time) as total_time,min(min_time) as min_time,max(max_time) as max_time,avg(mean_time) as mean_time,sum(rows) as rows from pg_stat_statements_history where log_time >= '2017-05-11 00:00:00' group by queryid,substring(query,1,200) order by mean_time desc;
While pg_stat_statements does try to combine queries together which are structurally the same, this is not always possible. Working top-down from the results of the above query, the next step was to search for similarly structured queries and then extract out the queryids for them, to provide a more comprehensive analysis. The queryids for each statement are included in the analysis. Once the query ids had been identified, a subsequent query for each was done to extract out the query runtime statistics for that kind of query, like so:
select sum(calls) as calls,sum(total_time) as total_time,min(min_time) as min_time,max(max_time) as max_time,avg(mean_time) as mean_time,sum(rows) as rows from pg_stat_statements_history where log_time >= '2017-05-11 00:00:00' and queryid in ( 1966453112 );
Finally, the results were then sorted by "total_time." Queries which appeared to be run by hand were excluded.
select project_id max level
SELECT project_id, MAX(access_level) AS access_level FROM (SELECT ? AS user_id, AS project_id, ? AS access_level FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "namespaces" ON "projects"."namespace_id"
queryids: 609277962
calls | 19300
total_time | 40667541.783
min_time | 1583.079
max_time | 19931.487
mean_time | 2063.86555260373
rows | 778676
"routes" in this query is related to the authorization code, likely addressed by those fixes
count ci_builds project
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND "ci_builds"."project_id" = ? AND "ci_builds"."status" IN (?, ?)
queryids: 2432173361
calls | 167134
total_time | 16495143.862
min_time | 0.013
max_time | 1833.06
mean_time | 91.1983079182215
rows | 167134
Recommendation for an additional partial index to address this query
events table query
SELECT "events".* FROM "events" WHERE ("events"."author_id" IS NOT NULL) AND "events"."project_id" IN (?, ?, ...) ORDER BY "events"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?
queryids: 2654195867, 3666841887, 3708492907, 633539946, 173960073, 3957233608, 1726684837, 67951902, 352833001, 2662892856, 1599873525, 974218383, 762634027, 1647035797, 2865689452, 826189844, 1944174585, 3828512978, 678721649, 1547096320, 1013555886, 1154068566, 194445460, 2198615537, 3400905100, 2432971058, 1415764130, 1151997171, 925174174, 761323629, 3452072753, 2159315416, 3821844675, 2000798799, 3128995101, 1601871360, 2106652730, 3628253965, 3901952046, 3395412522, 1962630535, 4234299266, 3466431986
calls | 9282
total_time | 10352695.644
min_time | 0.028
max_time | 43630.359
mean_time | 2124.46774552101
rows | 150381
select routes.path
SELECT routes.path FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "routes" ON "routes"."source_id" = "namespaces"."id" AND "routes"."source_type" = ? INNER JOIN routes r2 ON routes.path LIKE CONCAT(r2.path, ?)
queryids: 1522119898, 1522119898
calls | 1566
total_time | 9498185.367
min_time | 1135.895
max_time | 51773.967
mean_time | 4820.60045682477
rows | 48113
"routes" and this query is related to the authorization code, likely addressed by those fixes
select ci_build status
SELECT projects.namespace_id, ci_builds.status, projects.shared_runners_enabled, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ci_builds JOIN projects ON = ci_builds.project_id WHERE ci_builds.
queryids: 1976707676
calls | 3057
total_time | 7012384.009
min_time | 1765.236
max_time | 9791.67
mean_time | 2293.98419203911
rows | 4096266
The costing around this query is such that a sequential scan of projects into a hash table to join against an index scan across ci_builds is cheapest. However, a nested-loop join using two index scans ends up being faster by ~10x. Interestingly, the sequential scan across the whole table hits 136,621 pages while the index scan hits 88,311 or over half of that number. Possibly the performance improvement is due to the same pages being used in the index scan over and over and therefore being more efficient. This may be related to the hosting platform itself.
Changing random_page_cost to 2, as discussed elsewhere, resulted in PostgreSQL choosing the nested loop join and the query time dropping to ~200ms from ~2200ms, or a savings of about 2s per query.
A possible alternative/additional optimization of the query would be to build an index on, namespace_id, shared_runners_enabled, which would allow an index-only scan of that index to be used with this query. Of course, there would be a cost to having such an index in terms of write performance on projects.
No additional issue created as the recommendation to reduce random_page_cost is likely sufficient for this query.
While this query is much better thanks the reduction of random_page_cost, it's still showing near the top of the slow queries analysis.
The index contemplated in across ci_builds (project_id, status) would likely also improve the performance of this query.
delete from ci_pipelines
DELETE FROM "ci_pipelines" WHERE "ci_pipelines"."id" = ? AND "ci_pipelines"."lock_version" IS NULL
queryids: 1797272874, 1992052330
calls | 1047
total_time | 6182091.701
min_time | 5098.052
max_time | 9571.768
mean_time | 6003.28965095994
rows | 1047
There are foreign keys referring to this table which have to be maintained. Unfortunately, not all of the referring columns are indexed, resulting in sequential scans being required across those tables. Indexes should be added to these tables to address this.
Issues for new indexes to be created to address this are:
count projects
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND ( IN (SELECT "projects"."id" FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "project_authorizations" ON "projects"."id" = "project_auth
queryids: 2074964368, 859949810, 2651495786
calls | 1518
total_time | 4736743.351
min_time | 26.999
max_time | 9431.506
mean_time | 2893.39891249885
rows | 1518
count users
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN (?)) AND ("users"."ghost" = ? OR "users"."ghost" IS NULL) AND ("users"."support_bot" = ? OR "users"."support_bot" IS NULL) AND ((id IN (SELECT
queryids: 3020355617, 2880503409, 3735901189, 3721880404, 4094467260, 1325480639, 242916844, 3535554324, 3709624550, 2478899854, 2940796834, 3117711339, 1387205427, 1278016840, 3776761666, 239377166, 858035358, 3270215177, 2665565636, 826886427, 292149370, 430358738, 1863700960, 199306181, 90518094, 4238114465, 1265660883, 3270215177
calls | 3846
total_time | 4379560.319
min_time | 0.059
max_time | 2437.206
mean_time | 1197.46135810218
rows | 3846
update tags
UPDATE "tags" SET "taggings_count" = COALESCE("taggings_count", ?) + ? WHERE "tags"."id" = ?
queryids: 2218715947
calls | 26313
total_time | 2173756.314
min_time | 0.013
max_time | 59007.686
mean_time | 77.2590158320857
rows | 26313
The time required for this query appears to vary wildly even though the query itself is reasonably simple. My suspicion, which can be confirmed by enabling log_lock_waits in postgresql.conf (which an issue exists for), is that multiple application processes are updating this table concurrently and are trying to update the same row, leading to locking.
Further, this table has a different count for about 7% of the tags (2237 out of 33975 tags) than what is in the taggings table.
There are a few different possible approaches to deal with this:
Does updating this have to take place in the same, evidently long-running, transaction as other operations? The delay due to locking is almost certainly not due to this one query but due to other operations happening in the same transaction which means that the lock is held on the row that is trying to be acquired by another process. Updating this count in an independent, short-lived, transaction would reduce the length of time a given lock is held.
Does this table have to be accurate immediately, or would batch updating it from the "taggings" table be acceptable? If the contents are allowed to "lag" a bit, then updating it periodically, or perhaps through a materialized view, would avoid the locking issue. If the count must be accurate then another approach is to have two tables- a "base" table which is updated periodically and has the running total and a table that new entries are inserted into, and queries to get the count would pull the base count and then add it to the count from the "recently added" table. If the tag counts are only needed on a per-tag basis, dropping the "taggings_count" column in favor of calculating the count on-the-fly from the "taggings" table would be another approach which would lead to most tags being returned very quickly, though the worst case there appears to be still on the order of 1.5s.
select events, BI query
SELECT "events"."id" AS t0_r0, "events"."target_type" AS t0_r1, "events"."target_id" AS t0_r2, "events"."title" AS t0_r3, "events"."data" AS t0_r4, "events"."project_id" AS t0_r5, "events"."created_a
queryids: 2969659987, 424370033
calls | 1486
total_time | 1876142.573
min_time | 0.042
max_time | 2655.388
mean_time | 1225.66207160726
rows | 28753
select labels:
SELECT "labels".* FROM "labels" WHERE "labels"."template" = ? ORDER BY "labels"."title" ASC
queryids: 3507093519, 1661352576
calls | 5305
total_time | 1533226.873
min_time | 229.975
max_time | 702.836
mean_time | 288.165583057846
rows | 0
This query never returns any records.
ci_builds select
SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND
queryids: 2111516600, 4163606102
calls | 41
total_time | 952939.082
min_time | 22.182
max_time | 26136.086
mean_time | 21179.0348888889
rows | 632
select users id
SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" INNER JOIN "identities" ON "identities"."user_id" = "users"."id" WHERE ("identities"."provider" = ? AND "identities"."extern_uid" = ?) ORDER BY "users"."id" DESC LIM
queryids: 2676200259, 4221210546
calls | 10481
total_time | 819793.082
min_time | 59.358
max_time | 161.454
mean_time | 78.408557401543
rows | 2933
select ci_builds artifact size
- SELECT SUM("ci_builds"."artifacts_size") FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND "ci_builds"."project_id" = ?
- queryids: 1847545236
- calls | 16962
- total_time | 652383.237999999
- min_time | 0.009
- max_time | 8954.372
- mean_time | 91.0662767683441
- rows | 16962
check users
SELECT ? AS one FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."public_email" = ? AND "users"."id" != ?) LIMIT ?
queryids: 1943885964
calls | 501
total_time | 467005.232
min_time | 721.819
max_time | 2185.375
mean_time | 929.278351893758
rows | 0
update users
- UPDATE "users" SET last_activity_on = CASE WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN
- queryids: 2406223287, 1787696863
- calls | 164
- total_time | 452585.276
- min_time | 42.382
- max_time | 15643.678
- mean_time | 1450.99288957055
- rows | 81581
count ci_builds
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ci_builds WHERE ci_builds.type = ? AND ci_builds.status = ? AND ci_builds.updated_at < NOW() - INTERVAL ?
- queryids: 619468533
- calls | 3057
- total_time | 424520.156
- min_time | 109.019
- max_time | 512.255
- mean_time | 138.847568622672
- rows | 3057
check merge_requests
- SELECT ? AS one FROM "merge_requests" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."target_id" = "merge_requests"."id" AND "label_links"."target_type" = ? INNER JOIN "labels" ON "labels"."id" = "label_l
- queryids: 2620442434, 1712559941, 1539653591, 1993484287, 3586979360, 1755362042, 3609087964, 3372658950, 2055173473, 2998604767, 3127070443, 3414761357, 3796734611, 2127311105, 1459766381, 846851635, 1169298825, 2557982392, 3374348295, 3244809440, 2620442434, 1485440325, 734857978, 1995039524, 1531440203, 972274717, 305095366, 4115491502, 816143262
- calls | 936
- total_time | 415874.146
- min_time | 0.028
- max_time | 3490.204
- mean_time | 413.439812451677
- rows | 501
update ci_builds set user_id
- UPDATE "ci_builds" SET "user_id" = ? WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND "ci_builds"."user_id" = ?
- queryids: 953108396
- calls | 34
- total_time | 382860.549
- min_time | 9886.322
- max_time | 12625.002
- mean_time | 11178.2843192308
- rows | 0
count projects with nonamespace
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM projects LEFT JOIN namespaces ON projects.namespace_id = WHERE IS NULL;
- queryids: 3284642542
- calls | 49
- total_time | 107461.809
- min_time | 1753.029
- max_time | 5982.769
- mean_time | 2217.50106071429
- rows | 49
select ci_builds
- SELECT "ci_builds"."id" FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND (NOT (("ci_builds"."artifacts_file" = ? OR "ci_builds"."artifacts_file" IS NULL))) AND (artifacts_expire_at < ?)
- queryids: 3035261384
- calls | 14
- total_time | 87908.24
- min_time | 5630.412
- max_time | 6737.279
- mean_time | 6279.16
- rows | 5862
issues count query
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? WHERE "issues"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND
queryids: 1261864557, 952021065, 3026635475, 468839062, 4146786054, 1035569799, 3690754225, 3272779413, 834924458, 1897860650, 2062583205, 2095434213, 3192337648, 2656327216, 886692208, 3083828397, 3485957808
calls | 858
total_time | 85309.585
min_time | 0.031
max_time | 43956.627
mean_time | 579.090747678761
rows | 858
Likely improved through authorization improvements
merge_requests count query
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "merge_requests" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "merge_requests"."target_project_id" AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? WHERE "merge_requests"."deleted_at" IS NULL
- queryids: 1753659975, 1399070230, 3401856445, 3533976937, 1741553508, 3411543022
- calls | 578
- total_time | 78007
- min_time | 2.199
- max_time | 22467.769
- mean_time | 1291.12509409347
- rows | 578
count projects pending delete
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM projects WHERE pending_delete=?;
- queryids: 3198252279
- calls | 98
- total_time | 65610.997
- min_time | 0.207
- max_time | 1489.399
- mean_time | 667.076997619048
- rows | 98
delete namespaces
- DELETE FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."id" = ?
- DELETE FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = ?
- queryids: 3069773253, 195435075
- calls | 197
- total_time | 55684.337
- min_time | 221.951
- max_time | 467.327
- mean_time | 284.000937954801
- rows | 197
select users
- SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."unlock_token" = ? ORDER BY "users"."id" DESC LIMIT ?
- queryids: 546658772
- calls | 132
- total_time | 55405.564
- min_time | 307.738
- max_time | 600.085
- mean_time | 425.361192016807
- rows | 0
check identities
- SELECT ? AS one FROM "identities" WHERE ("identities"."extern_uid" = ? AND "identities"."provider" = ?) LIMIT ?
- queryids: 3720078897
- calls | 796
- total_time | 53973.085
- min_time | 12.44
- max_time | 124.583
- mean_time | 67.4993958106915
- rows | 8
select project namespaces
- SELECT "projects"."id" FROM "projects" LEFT OUTER JOIN "namespaces" ON "namespaces"."id" = "projects"."namespace_id" AND "namespaces"."deleted_at" IS NULL WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (p
- queryids: 124873900, 1662645944
- calls | 1356
- total_time | 52870.732
- min_time | 2.195
- max_time | 12300.266
- mean_time | 32.9093381727102
- rows | 14447
count distinct member ids
- SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "members"."id") FROM "members" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "members"."user_id" = "users"."id" WHERE ( IN (SELECT "members"."id" FROM "members" WHERE "members"
- queryids: 2245949800, 1195357893, 4027082637, 1363941746, 611777517
- calls | 42
- total_time | 33532.515
- min_time | 0.045
- max_time | 11337.765
- mean_time | 1264.11867361111
- rows | 42
select members
- SELECT "members".* FROM "members" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "members"."user_id" = "users"."id" WHERE ( IN (SELECT "members"."id" FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND
- queryids: 3998214265, 226123122, 2629429066, 2970188559, 2020800148
- calls | 42
- total_time | 33279.625
- min_time | 0.078
- max_time | 4504.336
- mean_time | 1128.55844444444
- rows | 189
count snippets
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM snippets WHERE type=?;
- queryids: 20125131
- calls | 98
- total_time | 31807.837
- min_time | 203.772
- max_time | 507.9
- mean_time | 324.704592857143
- rows | 98
select keys id
- SELECT "keys"."id" FROM "keys" WHERE "keys"."type" IN (?) AND "keys"."public" = ? ORDER BY "keys"."id" DESC
- queryids: 704874081
- calls | 81
- total_time | 31729.151
- min_time | 323.267
- max_time | 829.297
- mean_time | 393.029289892624
- rows | 1215
count users simple
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users ;
- queryids: 3897489339, 3897489339
- calls | 51
- total_time | 21715.184
- min_time | 340.49
- max_time | 555.016
- mean_time | 420.553440625
- rows | 51
select projects jids
- SELECT id, import_jid FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND ("projects"."import_status" IN (?)) AND ("projects"."import_jid" IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY "projects"."id" ASC LIMIT ?
- queryids: 3309825537
- calls | 17
- total_time | 19551.404
- min_time | 1036.143
- max_time | 1428.544
- mean_time | 1150.08258823529
- rows | 67
select project ids
- SELECT "projects"."id" FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (last_repository_check_at < ?) ORDER BY last_repository_check_at ASC LIMIT ?
- queryids: 1757518593
- calls | 16
- total_time | 18449.195
- min_time | 1054.081
- max_time | 1247.673
- mean_time | 1153.0746875
- rows | 49920
select keys
- SELECT "keys".* FROM "keys" WHERE "keys"."type" IN (?) AND "keys"."public" = ? ORDER BY "keys"."id" DESC
- queryids: 3755823578
- calls | 40
- total_time | 15852.343
- min_time | 325.849
- max_time | 939.651
- mean_time | 388.873526041667
- rows | 600
count issues projects
- SELECT COUNT(count_column) FROM (SELECT ? AS count_column FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? WHERE "issues"."deleted_at
- queryids: 2325123914, 120078333, 2908170205, 2761040355
- calls | 283
- total_time | 14801.858
- min_time | 0.591
- max_time | 13501.577
- mean_time | 299.169575313545
- rows | 283
count projects namespaces
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "namespaces" ON "namespaces"."id" = "projects"."namespace_id" AND "namespaces"."deleted_at" IS NULL WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (namespace_id
- queryids: 4256678383
- calls | 6
- total_time | 12679.654
- min_time | 2048.347
- max_time | 2183.988
- mean_time | 2100.81608333333
- rows | 6
insert trending_projects
- INSERT INTO trending_projects (project_id)
- queryids: 525510026
- calls | 1
- total_time | 10759.775
- min_time | 10759.775
- max_time | 10759.775
- mean_time | 10759.775
- rows | 100
select issues label
- SELECT "issues".* FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."target_id" = "issues"."id" AND "label_links"."target_type" = ? INNER JOIN "labels" ON "labels"."id" = "label_links"."label_i
- queryids: 3376979266
- calls | 20
- total_time | 8083.471
- min_time | 0.539
- max_time | 1186.513
- mean_time | 346.493911764706
- rows | 18
count events
- SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT count_column) FROM (SELECT "events"."id" AS count_column FROM "events" LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "events"."project_id" AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ?
- queryids: 3532511722
- calls | 8
- total_time | 7680.268
- min_time | 0.044
- max_time | 1215.075
- mean_time | 1022.3177
- rows | 8
count projects visibility level
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ?
- queryids: 1952615082
- calls | 7
- total_time | 6099.441
- min_time | 794.481
- max_time | 988.858
- mean_time | 871.25475
- rows | 7
count issues lables
- SELECT COUNT(count_column) FROM (SELECT ? AS count_column FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."target_id" = "issues"."id" AND "label_links"."target_type" = ? INNER JOIN "labels" O
- queryids: 1423860795
- calls | 17
- total_time | 5390.584
- min_time | 0.418
- max_time | 748.743
- mean_time | 317.093176470588
- rows | 17
select issues project
- SELECT "issues".* FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? WHERE "issues"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND
- queryids: 2099428344, 3342622282, 3910244770, 1226514554, 1401568261, 2784274565, 3201896709, 342492076
- calls | 304
- total_time | 5160.367
- min_time | 0.564
- max_time | 2923.691
- mean_time | 65.0889344268901
- rows | 4170
select projects
- SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "namespaces" ON "namespaces"."id" = "projects"."namespace_id" AND "namespaces"."deleted_at" IS NULL WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (namespace
- queryids: 1966453112
- calls | 1
- total_time | 4202.065
- min_time | 4202.065
- max_time | 4202.065
- mean_time | 4202.065
- rows | 10
delete events
- DELETE FROM "events" WHERE ((id IN (SELECT id FROM (SELECT "events"."id" FROM "events" WHERE (created_at < ?) LIMIT ?) ids_to_remove)))
- queryids: 3931336604
- calls | 2
- total_time | 3301.532
- min_time | 1544.78
- max_time | 1756.752
- mean_time | 1650.766
- rows | 20000
update issues
- UPDATE "issues" SET position = CASE WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? WHEN id = ? THEN ? ELSE position END WHERE
- queryids: 1830880351
- calls | 7
- total_time | 3074.953
- min_time | 0.838
- max_time | 3067.518
- mean_time | 1023.26625
- rows | 49
select snippets
- SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE ( IN (SELECT "snippets"."id" FROM "snippets" WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" IN (?, ?)
- queryids: 1846066210, 2238086631
- calls | 6
- total_time | 3007.352
- min_time | 411.777
- max_time | 753.393
- mean_time | 501.225333333333
- rows | 51
select lfs_objects
- SELECT "lfs_objects".* FROM "lfs_objects" LEFT JOIN lfs_objects_projects ON lfs_objects_projects.lfs_object_id = WHERE "lfs_objects_projects"."id" IS NULL
- queryids: 1733297314
- calls | 1
- total_time | 2972.429
- min_time | 2972.429
- max_time | 2972.429
- mean_time | 2972.429
- rows | 1
count issues labels
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, "issues"."id" AS issues_id FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."target_id" = "issues"."id" AND "label_links"."target_type" = ? INNER JOIN "labels" ON
- queryids: 1488239209, 3794019832, 3953217434
- calls | 4
- total_time | 2915.669
- min_time | 688.257
- max_time | 782.677
- mean_time | 728.91725
- rows | 57
count snippets visibility
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "snippets" WHERE ( IN (SELECT "snippets"."id" FROM "snippets" WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" IN (?, ?)
- queryids: 1861355156, 732887323
- calls | 6
- total_time | 2613.409
- min_time | 405.065
- max_time | 464.125
- mean_time | 435.568166666667
- rows | 6
count projects count_column
- SELECT COUNT(count_column) FROM (SELECT ? AS count_column FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND ( IN (SELECT "projects"."id" FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "project_authori
- queryids: 999690877
- calls | 2
- total_time | 2359.542
- min_time | 1174.577
- max_time | 1184.965
- mean_time | 1179.771
- rows | 2
count issues state
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, "issues"."state" AS issues_state FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."target_id" = "issues"."id" AND "label_links"."target_type" = ? INNER JOIN "label
- queryids: 3438414827
- calls | 3
- total_time | 2151.642
- min_time | 687.027
- max_time | 748.983
- mean_time | 725.15625
- rows | 5
select projects namespaces
- SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND ( IN (SELECT "projects"."id" FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "project_authorizations" ON "projects"."id" = "project
- queryids: 3766550127
- calls | 1
- total_time | 1377.576
- min_time | 1377.576
- max_time | 1377.576
- mean_time | 1377.576
- rows | 20
select projects mirror
- SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND "projects"."mirror" = ? AND ("projects"."import_status" IN (?)) AND (mirror_last_update_at < ?) ORDER BY "projects"."id"
- queryids: 3629645559
- calls | 1
- total_time | 1277.944
- min_time | 1277.944
- max_time | 1277.944
- mean_time | 1277.944
- rows | 4
select issues labels
- SELECT "issues"."id", labels.title FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."target_id" = "issues"."id" AND "label_links"."target_type" = ? INNER JOIN "labels" ON "labels"."id" = "label
- queryids: 1215481825
- calls | 1
- total_time | 770.933
- min_time | 770.933
- max_time | 770.933
- mean_time | 770.933
- rows | 42
select namespaces
- SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (lower(path) = ? OR lower(name) = ?) ORDER BY "namespaces"."id" DESC LIMIT ?
- queryids: 1904248845
- calls | 1
- total_time | 671.459
- min_time | 671.459
- max_time | 671.459
- mean_time | 671.459
- rows | 1
UPDATED - 2017-06-01
monitoring query (?)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind in ('r','v','m');
queryids: 1119963169
calls | 45242015
total_time | 1436771.64000097
min_time | 0.007
max_time | 31.671
mean_time | 0.031
rows | 45242015
Issue for this query:
Individual issues will be created for each of these, where there is action which can be taken to improve the query's performance (either through changes to the query structure or the addition of indexes or restructuring of the data into a more performant schema).