configure repmgr, repmgrd, pgbouncer from omnibus in prod
In version gitlab-ee 9.5 is the first version of the full failover stack we are already using in staging (
The majority of the changes (repmgr(d) settings, pgbouncer configuration) can be done during normal operation and need no downtime.
Inorder for all the replication side to work we need to load a shared library during startup:
"shared_preload_libraries": "pg_stat_statements,repmgr_funcs"
This can only be done during as per the documentation:
Those libraries must be loaded at server start through this parameter.
For the secondaries this has to be done ahead of time and can be done as follows without downtime:
db4 (--> is being replaced by postgres-01 and postgres-02)
db3 (will become new master)
remove them from the load balancing configuration in chef:
wait until the change has been propigated
upgrade the package to the latest omnibus version:
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
add the
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
ensure that the secondary is syncing again.
add to the load balancing configuration again
Since we have to remove the primary due to the disk configuration ( we will not activate this setting, but failover to the secondary db3. This will cause a very short dowtime.
- stop all sidekiq/sidekiq-cluster nodes to minimize db load
- pause the connections on pgbouncer
- verify primary/secondary log positions
- stop the primary db
- promote db3 to primary
- (change db4 to follow db3) --> ensure that postgres-01 and postgres-02 are still following
- reconfigure pgbouncer on db1 to connect to db3
- resume connections
- start all sidekiq/sidekiq-cluster nodes