Jul 26, 2017–Aug 1, 2017
WoW ending 2017-08-01
Workout of the Week
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Error fetching burnup chart data
Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- expire_build_instance_artifacts sidekiq jobs piling up
- Move the NFS chef roles to the new structure
- Production `ci_pipeline_schedules` data check if there any recored has `next_run_at IS NULL`
- disabled elastic search indexing on best effort nodes
- mtail artifact expired
- Data bag gitlab_consul/client only have 1 admin user
- Project creation failed, route 404s
- RemoteMirror last_update_nil in wrong state check
- Validate notification settings 'events' column is safe to remove
- Failed projects showing up in Mirror capacity queue
- Configure influxdb to point at localhost in production
- Increase mirror capacity to 150
- Configure influxdb to point at localhost in staging
- More indexing tests on ES production cluster
- Database goals for August 2nd, 2017
- Deploy Consul Agent for Dynamic DNS Resolution Updates
- Add coverage report to gitlab_elasticsearch cookbook
- Remove "public" tag from monitoring altogether
- Is wrong and too optimistic?
- Cleanup rsyslog archive logging template
- Custom pgbouncer connection limit for Sidekiq
- Move elasticsearch queues to their own cluster
- Port logstash configuration to FluentD format
- DB errors breaking the import task
- Document use of ELK, and how to access Kibana dashboards
- cleanup hack in gitlab-monitoring for remote_file
- Logstash stops sending some logs to ES
- Clean up Azure storage accounts
- Restrict SSH Access to Production (minus git hosts)
- Sidekiq-asap fine tuning
- Manage WAL-E on prod with chef
- Update documentation to explain WAL-E encryption
- Decommission ES cluster and create a new one with more nodes but smaller specs
- Add to ssl certificate expiration monitoring.
- Prometheus Metrics for NFS servers are using the incorrect hostname:
- Schedule deploys and announce outages