Oct 4, 2017–Oct 10, 2017
Workout of the Week
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Error fetching burnup chart data
Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- GitLab.com outage 2017-10-06
- Run/time a script in production to estimate performance for rev-list / blob fetch (For JEJ)
- Database goals for October 11th, 2017
- Detach the downtime page from rails
- Enable a secondary DNS provider for DDoS resistance
- Possible new projects on nfs-file-01 again
- SSL config for log.gitlap.com changes upon chef-client runs
- Settings for .com restored from rails console
- api-05 out of space
- Provision pre-prod infrastructure and ensure successful chef runs
- Get query results from staging
- configure repmgr, repmgrd, pgbouncer from omnibus in prod
- [Long Running] Move artifacts to Object Storage
- Install hashicorp vault and secure it
Completed Issues (closed)
- Check remote mirror stuck state
- Verify stages statuses migration correctness on production
- Remove duplicated rate_limit logs from HAProxy in ES
- Index gitaly logs in logsearch cluster
- Add logsearch cluster to Prometheus
- Artifact size limit on GitLab.com is causing gitlab-org/gitlab-ce jobs to fail
- Provision ES logging cluster
- Update chef.gitlab.com Cert
- Allow gitlab_elasticsearch module to provision master, client and data hosts
- Apply hotpatch to canary, and then production
- Create Terraform module for logging ES cluster with master, client and data nodes
- Create new DigitalOcean account
- Clean out "moved" projects
- Add LFS objects and attachments to the Geo testbed
- Too many targets down in Prometheus
- Create pipeline for creating deb packages for prometheus node exporter
- Increase checkpoint_completion_target to 0.9
- Digital Ocean Dev API creds