@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ All alerts are routed to slack and additionally can be paged to PagerDuty.
1. Since all alerts sended to slack, you can control only the type of alert.
1. All alerts will be shown in `#prometheus-alerts` channel.
1. Additionally you can send alerts to `#ci`, `#infrastructure` channels. This part controlled with the label `channel='ci'`and `channel='infrastructure'`.
1. Additionally you can send alerts to `#ci`, `#gitaly`, `#production` channels. This part controlled with the label `channel='ci'`for example.
1. Alerts with `severity=critical` are red colored messages with `.title` and link to corresponding runbook and `.description` values from alert.
1. Alerts with `severity=warn` are yellow colored messages with `.title` and link to corresponding runbook and `.description` values from alert.
1. Alerts with `severity=info` are green colored messages with `.title` and link to corresponding runbook and `.description` values from alert.