Pairing Session - 6.01.2017 - Harish / DeWet
Boom! It's on. You and your pairing partner have 1 hour. Work together on tickets and log them here. Fill this out at the end of your session as a logbook so we can track our progression!
Tickets Worked On:
- Ticket:
- Ticket:
- Ticket:
Post Call Notes:
Ticket 1: This is a Geo ticket and DeWet helped Harish understand the way SSH keys are authenticated in Geo. Proposed a possible solution to the customer.
Ticket 2: We looked at the ticket, went through logs, considered previous responses, and were stumped. It has had quite a few responses so we asked that a developer look at the ticket in the #development channel in Slack.
Ticket 3: This is a SAML ticket. We looked for issues and looked through the docs to try to understand the problem. We couldn't find anything obvious and proposed a theory to the customer, looking into their configuration.