Ticket pairing: Americas Crush Session - July 12, 2017 - Lee, Arihant, Harish
Boom! It's on. You and your pairing partner have 1 hour. Work together on tickets and log them here. Fill this out at the end of your session as a logbook so we can track our progression!
Tickets Worked On:
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/77773 - a long running Geo ticket - asked for repro steps
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/80001 - troubleshot a Jira error message
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/79996 - user with a 500 on lost commits, asked to run a repo check
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/80040 - Prometheus feature request - created issue
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/79891 - upset GH CE customer - provided preventative tools
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/79621 - missing CI badge - asked for clarifying data
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/80059 - Geo sync not working - asked to confirm if commit is on both nodes
- Ticket: https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/80071 - 404 from unmigrated reserved group name - asked for route, repo path, and full_path to see if they match
Post Call Notes:
Our doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WXsgwgxw0KT0xY6-ctecOXOk8Xzc4vQMljEi0OQ7oX4/edit
/cc @arihantar @lbot @harishsr