<p><spanstyle="line-height:1.6;">Gitlab Cloud allows you to use GitLab without installing anything.</span><spanstyle="line-height:1.6;"> To get a free account with unlimited private repositories and unlimited private collaborators please </span><astyle="line-height:1.6;"title="sign up now"href="https://gitlab.com/users/sign_up">sign up now</a>.</p>
<h2><strong>Advantages of Gitlab Cloud</strong></h2>
<p><spanstyle="line-height:1.6;">Gitlab Cloud allows you to use GitLab without installing anything.</span><spanstyle="line-height:1.6;"> To get a free account with unlimited private repositories and unlimited private collaborators please sign up now.
<p>Gitlab.com makes using Gitlab more convenient: with our hosted Gitlab repositories, you can save yourself the burden of installing, maintaining and making backups of your Gitlab installation. Instead, you can instantly enjoy all the <atitle="Features"href="https://www.gitlab.com/gitlab-ee/">great features</a> Gitlab has to offer. Getting started with Gitlab has never been easier. In addition to that, with Gitlab.com you get unlimited hosted private repository for free!</p>
<p><ahref="http://demo.gitlab.com/">Try the demo now</a> (no account needed).</p>
<h2>What we offer</h2>
@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ title: GitLab Cloud
<li>Unlimited disk space *</li>
<li>Completely free, no credit card required</li>
<li>Email Support</li>
<li>All the <atitle="Features"href="https://www.gitlab.com/gitlab-ee/">great GitLab functionality</a></li>
<li>All the <atitle="Features"href="https://www.gitlab.com/gitlab-ce-features/">GitLab CE functionality</a></li>
<p><em>* For performance reasons there is a soft limit of 1GB per repository</em></p>
@@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ title: GitLab Cloud
GitLab Cloud does not allow you to easily export your repositories, wiki's and issues to your own GitLab instance.
Of couse you can git clone the repositories and import then with <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/lib/tasks/gitlab/import.rake">a rake task</a>.
And since the wiki is backed by a git repo you can clone that as well.
But these are manual actions and for the issues there is no automation available except for <ahref="http://api.gitlab.org/issues.html">the issue API</a>.
But these are manual actions and for the issues there is no automation available except for <ahref="http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/api/issues.html">the issue API</a>.
So if you plan on using your own server eventually please consider doing so from the start.