@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ Syncing your Google account (both your email and your calendar) allows for seaml
#### Scheduling interviews with Easy Book
The recruiting team will schedule all interviews and send out unique Easy Book links, along with a link to a Google Hangouts room for each interviewer, which will follow this format: `hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/gitlab.com/xlastname` (e.g. Joe Smith's would be: `hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/gitlab.com/jsmith`). This room will be your consistent location for interviews, but it will not show up in your calendar invite. We recommend you bookmark this link for easy access.
If you use another standard link for a room using a different service (Zoom, Appear.in, etc.), please email the link for that room to [Nadia Vatalidis](https://about.gitlab.com/team/#nadiavat), [Chloe Whitestone](https://about.gitlab.com/team/#drachanya), and [Jacie Zoerb](https://about.gitlab.com/team/#jaciezoerb).
The recruiting team will schedule all interviews and send out unique Easy Book links, along with a link to a Zoom room for each interviewer, which will follow this format: `https://gitlab.zoom.us/my/gitlab.firstnamelastname` (e.g. Joe Smith's would be: `https://gitlab.zoom.us/my/gitlab.joesmith`). This room will be your consistent location for interviews, but it will not show up in your calendar invite. We recommend you bookmark this link for easy access. All interviews will be conducted via Zoom to create a streamlined hiring process.
#### Important Notes
* Please be sure to go to your [Google Calendar settings](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/settings?tab=mc) and input your current time zone.