- For an anything to get promoted on social, **there must be a dedicated social issue**.
- If the need is urgent, send a message to the `#social` Slack Channel.
- If the need is urgent, send a message to the `#social-media` Slack Channel.
- If you have already requested or received images for social (paid) ads, please mark that issue as related in the organic social request issue.
- If you have not already requested or received images: Shortly after you open your social issue, the social team will assess whether there are existing assets we can use on social, or if new ones are needed. They will then request new images from the design team, or remove them from the issue. It is at the design teams' discretion whether they have time to create the images, particularly if you open your issue within ~ 1 week of the need to publish.
- Sometimes it is not possible to schedule posts when desired due to any number of reasons, but the social team will work with you to make sure you're supported.