|Set priorities and define what Engineering works on | Own the definition of done; decide what gets merged into Product| Proactively identify small and large strategic UX needs to aid Product Management prioritization|
### GitLab PMs aren't the arbiters of community contributions
[PMs are the DRI for what GitLab Engineering team members work on](#pm-and-em-paired-dris).
[PMs are the DRI for what GitLab Engineering team members work on](#pm-em-and-ux-trio-dris).
As a result contributions from the wider community and from other teams in GitLab are not subject to the processes
described below nor are they prioritized by GitLab Product Managers. So long as an MR matches
the [definition of done](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/contributing/merge_request_workflow.html#definition-of-done), changes may make their way into Product.