If you are missing some functionality in GitLab you can sponsor the development of it.
After you send in the form below we will check if the feature is acceptable to include in GitLab. If so we will first email back with a minimum cost estimate. This is to make sure the expectations of the work that is involved are realistic.
If the minimum estimate matches your expectations we will work on a detailed estimate. If you accept the detailed estimate we will give you an estimated release date and start the work.
We will inform you when the feature is ready and <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/a88225b7689ab87b49908db23e1bebf1c7ea09d3/CHANGELOG#L8">note your sponsorship in the Changelog</a> (unless you ask us not to, no problem). From then on your feature is a part of GitLab and will probably be maintained without any additional cost to you.
Fill out my <ahref="https://gitlab.wufoo.com/forms/scvcb721qd692i">online form</a>.
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If you are missing some functionality in GitLab you can sponsor the development of it.
After you send in the form below we will check if the feature is acceptable to include in GitLab. If so we will first email back with a minimum cost estimate. This is to make sure the expectations of the work that is involved are realistic.
If the minimum estimate matches your expectations we will work on a detailed estimate. If you accept the detailed estimate we will give you an estimated release date and start the work.
We will inform you when the feature is ready and <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/a88225b7689ab87b49908db23e1bebf1c7ea09d3/CHANGELOG#L8">note your sponsorship in the Changelog</a> (unless you ask us not to, no problem). From then on your feature is a part of GitLab and will probably be maintained without any additional cost to you.
Fill out my <ahref="https://gitlab.wufoo.com/forms/scvcb721qd692i">online form</a>.