Hi Paul, could you be a little more clear in your request? What do you mean by "a Federal about.gitlab.com"? Also, when you say you want a standalone landing page for events and webcasts, can you you explain a bit further what the current webcast and event pages aren't doing to fulfill your needs?
Would love to get some additional insight so we can make sure we're doing the right things!
Great example @pauldalmeida. We actually have an issue template for new pages being created. If you click on Edit for this issue, next to the issue title you will see a dropdown. From that dropdown select the New Page template and fill that out. That way @luke will have a much better idea about what needs to be included in such a page.
Thanks for the mention, @pauldalmeida. It seems like my notifications are not set to get an email when you mention me in the body of an issue so I am just seeing this now.
I can certainly help with the content and getting this vertical specific webpage live. What is odd about the Ansible example you shared is that it doesn't seem like you can navigate to this page without knowing the URL. Seems like its basically an SEO landing page.
I'm at a conference most of this week but let's chat about this page on Friday.
@amara I can start thinking about concepts for the page based on the copy doc. Paul also shared an example page so I think I have enough to run with. @pauldalmeida what's the ideal launch time for this so I can prioritize accordingly?
Luke Babbchanged title from Need a Federal about.GitLab.com and standalone landing page for events and webcasts to Need a Federal landing page on about.GitLab.com
changed title from Need a Federal about.GitLab.com and standalone landing page for events and webcasts to Need a Federal landing page on about.GitLab.com
@luke I'm not sure what else is on your plate so its hard to prioritize this but since this should help in selling GitLab it feels like it should be high on the list of priorities. To lighten the load of this work is it possible to use any of the templates we have for our current SEO pages. @mitchellwright likely knows what we have currently.
@pauldalmeida any feedback on the copy? Also about logos on the page, it looks like we are only approved to use Nasa's logo.
Thanks @amara, as I mentioned in our team call, this is one of my top priorities this week. I'm working through a couple layout options at the moment.
Is there any imagery, product or otherwise, that comes to mind and might support the copy? Otherwise we can use icons, but the page will be pretty dry...given the audience that might be ok? cc @pauldalmeida
@amara that's a valid point, and also seems to be consistent with other examples I've found. Perhaps we should consider placing the contact form on the page (at the bottom) — something like Contact GitLab's Federal Sales team rather than pushing to our generic Contact Sales form?
@amara@mitchellwright@pauldalmeida here's the initial layout concept, any thoughts? I guessed on the form fields so we can tweak those based on need. We can also change up the page header.
@pauldalmeida any feedback on the design? You can find the most recent design up top in the issue description. Once I get the I'll find a front-end resource to implement this for us.
@luke looking at this again. It feels flat to me. It's likely because in this second iteration the icons were removed but that also drew my eyes to the amount of whitespace on the page. Can we test an alternate layout? Perhaps a two column layout? To accommodate the two column layout and to add useful information can we do the following:
Change the title of the page to GitLab for Public Sector and perhaps we add a sub head?
Subhead: Bring the power of Git and CI/CD to your federal, state, and education IT teams.
Change the body section to be 2 columns with 2 copy blocks each. (Let me know if I need to break the copy up more. I could break it into 6 copy blocks so it's shorter text.)
@luke where could we add customer logos in the design?
@pauldalmeida based on the customer reference sheet the only logos we can add seem to be NASA, University of Michigan, UPMC, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
@luke we'll also need a space for Government schedule. Sorry for the late notice. Maybe before contact form we say "Available on the GSA Schedule and NASA SEWP V" and have a logos for both.
@mitchellwright on our other SEO standalone pages how do we handle EE trials and how do we hand the interaction between the landing page and GitLab's homepage (i.e. should there be a trial CTA or should we like to our homepage?)
@amara so the most recent mockup, in the issue description, includes the icons.
The current copy might be a bit long for a two-column layout, which is why I went full-width with the first version. I can certainly put together a two-column layout pretty quickly, but I do think we will need to break it up, or push it to six blocks instead of four.
I will also go ahead with the other changes and added sections you mentioned.
@amara@pauldalmeida here is the latest complete layout with changes and additions based on your comments above. I tweaked the body copy size a bit for the two-col layout, so despite being a bit longer, I don't think they look/read all that bad.
I grouped the logo bar and Available on GSA Schedule... sections together as they looked odd being two separate, short, sections.
However, it does make me want to shorten the copy (sorry!) I'll shorten it in the google doc tonight. I'll likely have to break it into 6 copy blocks vs. 4. Hopefully that doesn't affect the design too much.
As for the logos and the GSA schedule, I agree that two boxes for it would be odd. However, right now the two don't feel connected to each other. Should we put something like "Join these public sector organizations and start collaborating on code." Then we can make the second sentence "GitLab is available on..." (and put a period at the end of that sentence as well.)
@amara no worries about the copy, not a ton of work from my end to update it.
I agree about the logo block, I'll add the section heading your recommended, and maybe downplay the Available on GSA Schedule... text so that the section as a whole feels more connected. I'll share a couple different versions.
@amara here are a few variations for the logo section update. The last variation feels the most connected, but not sure how much attention we need to bring to the Available on GSA Schedule... copy.
@pauldalmeida I can add those additional logos pretty easily — let me know when you have them approved. While requesting approval, would it be too much to ask for a black and white logo (.ai, .eps, .svg format)? Otherwise I'll have to spend some time hunting down the correct versions on the web.
@luke I pinged a few of my customers and they said it was okay to use Logo. They are not sure the process of getting approved but since they are a customer it shouldn't be a problem. I can try to find the black and white logos. Do you want me to post here or email them to you?
on our other SEO standalone pages how do we handle EE trials and how do we hand the interaction between the landing page and GitLab's homepage (i.e. should there be a trial CTA or should we like to our homepage?)
We should have a link to the free trial and/or contact sales page as the main CTA. I think the way @luke has it laid out right now is great.
@luke I updated the copy. I ended up breaking it into 8 sections to keep the copy concise. I think people tend to read headlines more than body copy so its better to have more headlines in my opinion.
The first four copy blocks should be one column (i.e. left column) and then the next four should be the right column.
@pauldalmeida I chatted with Brian quickly on STIG and NIST to make sure it was relevant to us and he noted that STIG doesn't really apply to us. See his quote below. Then on NIST 800-53 compliance, we aren't there yet. That could be something we revisit down the road though if we make some product changes.
It covers OS and network settings and wouldn't really apply to an application.
@pauldalmeida will there be a recurring list of events? Since it may be odd only to have one event or an empty events section. I'm wondering if the event should be added on the events page: https://about.gitlab.com/events/
@timzallmann can we get a FE resource lined up for this new page? AFAIK the design and layout are complete. You can check out the most recent design mockup in the issue description. Thanks!
Hi @luke and @amara. Paul @pauldalmeida asked me to include some frequently asked data as well to see if we can post this on the federal landing page. See below. In addition - can we/should we link a file as well? We often get asked for a VPAT for 508 compliance. I was thinking we might want to link that file to the page as well. Let us know what you think:
@luke what do you think about putting this next to the contact form? OR we could make the logos their own section and put the GSA section with the below:
Hi @amara - yes please on GSA number. @pauldalmeida I assume we should start with the existing GSA number (held by Release Team) as we don't have a GSA for Immix yet?
@amara@pauldalmeida here's the federal information / numbers next to the contact form. I think it works quite well here, as it holds relevance to those who might be contacting us.
Where would the GSA number be displayed? Under GitLab Inc. Federal Information or in it's own grouping?
Added the GSA Schedule number, we can reorder those numbers however you like when we get to front-end. You can find the updated design in the issue description.
@amara + @luke : I didn't forget your request So @jivanvl will be done by tomorrow with his deliverables for 9.3 and then he will do the implementation.
@luke : Can you already prepare the different logos as usable assets, SVG if possible or otherwise PNG.
Org logos can be found here. I cleaned these SVGs as best I could — some are rather complex and did not render correctly once cleaned, I also left the #FFF fill for this reason.
Use this Sketch Measure preivew of the page design for specs on spacing, colors, font sizes, etc. Let me know if you have any questions!
Lastly, the Contact form at the bottom of the page comes from Marketo. We recently implemented a similar version of the form on https://about.gitlab.com/free-trial/. @mitchellwright can help you get the form set up for this page.
I think out search engine might be still indexing this new site @pauldalmeida, let me see who I can contact that could help us determine if it's indexing at all
@pauldalmeida yes, I knew when we launched that discovery was going to be a challenge since the Nav and footer are limiting.
I'm not sure how much traffic the footer sees anyway though. We may want to consider promoting the page until we can find a better home for it in the site flow. It looks like Ansible takes that approach for thier gov page: https://www.ansible.com/government
@mitchellwright any insight into how much traffic the footer sees? Also what are your thoughts on promotion of the page vs. just putting it in the footer.
@amara no hard numbers into footer traffic, but you can be assured that it's going to be a very low number.
I think having the ability for someone to be able to find it on the site in some way is good. I think leaving it as an orphan for now isn't the worst thing, as sales can still use it as an asset to share out with the needed people.