Ideas to fix Community page on
Here are some ideas on how we could make GitLab's Community Page look nicer.
I would leave a white background and a purple menu. Heathers could be a different color than text. Maybe purple heathers and black text.
Have this phrase at the top: "Get involved: Join our growing GitLab Community" and add a picture that looks similar to the example:
Place "contributing" button and add the following text horizontally:
Contribute to the project!
- A great way to get involved is to [contribute]. You can make a difference on the project! (
- Check out our awesome [contributors]!
- Place "Getting help" button and add the following text horizontally:
Did you find a bug or would you like to propose a feature for GitLab?
- Let us know! Here's how to get [help] from GitLab. (
- Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitLab issue tracker. The [Responsible Disclosure Policy] details the procedure for disclosing security issues. (
- Do you have a question or comment? You can participate in our [discussion forum], which is a great venue for discussing features, architecture and best practices. (
- Add the following buttons organized like in the picture at the bottom (with white background and right colors):
5.1. # All about GitLab projects [Documentation] to help you learn how GitLab works. (
5.2. # Applications supporting GitLab Every [app] that supports Git will work with GitLab. Here are some that we'd like to highlight. (
5.3. # Our hall of fame Every release a contributor is awarded the prestigious [Golden Fork] for Most Valuable Person (MVP). (
5.4. # Would you like to learn more? You can learn more about GitLab through our [YouTube channel]! (