Would love to work closely with an engineer to create a simple pricing calculator for our pricing page that I can easily update as pricing and features change. Happy to put together a simple proposal doc if needed. As we add more pay-only features, this will be very handy.
We hear often that pricing is confusing to understand and a simple calculator that we could point to might solve some problems. Would also be helpful for the sales team as they are negotiating deals to be able to say "this is list price" but we are able to offer X% less than list.
Completely understand it isn't trivial. I think the basics could just be estimating price for basic, standard, and plus. Once we have more features that can be paid for we can do drag and drop or something similar to add on.
Basic =>
Input = "number of users"
Output = "Total cost"
Logic = "number of packs" = Round "number of users" up to nearest 10 and multiple by $390
I'll deal with it. Should it be the continuation of the pricing page or something separate like Custom request? Let us calculate Gitlab Price for you. What is better for the marketing purposes?
For now we can add some king of extension to the pricing table columns, but it's only some multiplication per user # if I got it right. If sales team can give some examples of the deals they offer, it could help to summarise what we sell. Github license includes maintenance, upgrades and support. So for them it's only about users #. We have these quotas separate. At least from what I see on the pricing page.
So if any guidance from you guys, I am happy to discuss.
@liza I think this would be nice just below the fold on the pricing page.
We'd also like to move the pricing plans above the fold as the purple at the top is too large of a header now. Also, put the "buy now" buttons above the details and under the cost. Is this something you can help with?
See my ugly attached drawing for how it would ideally look above and below the fold.
@Ashley Hey what the point of this? To show pricing and calculator, we are not solving anything seems we try to get people more confused. Do you think it's hard to calculate something like 10x39? On github page it solves the problem but in our case it will be there because we can or what? I can't see how this can improve something on our pricing page.
we have separate quotes for support and upgrade.
Our pricing is easy to calculate.
Put together pricing and calculator will create a mess.
Maybe our goal is confuse someone, that he can buy something, if so let me know
Perhaps this will be more useful once we have more EE features that will make pricing more difficult to calculate. We have heard people are confused and keep asking how much things cost so I think most people are just too lazy to open calculator on their computer. ;) Happy to postpone this until our pricing gets more complicated as we launch more EE features.
Would still like to make the header smaller so that our 3 pricing tiers are closer to the top of the page with the "buy now" buttons higher on the page as well above the details.
@AshleyS maybe if we will define the cost of other features it would make more sense. In that case we can include all additional features inside this calculator, otherwise I don't like when someone try to sell me the same things jus with some different design and on the same page, it will look like a fraud to me.
For now I can see how to improve our pricing page and the website in overall cause I'm sure it will sell better with better design. ><
@skyruler would love to chat about pricing page updates and put together a plan for it and other parts of the website. what day works best for you for a meeting? I'm on east coast time in the US so I can meet before our team meetings easily.
@sytses curious to hear the reasoning for no comparison chart on the pricing page?
26% of all traffic to the pricing page go to the "comparison" link. (picture attached).
I want to keep them on this page and not send them to other areas of the website.
I'm working on a comparison chart for .com (free), CE (free), EE (based), EE(standard), EE (plus) that I'd like to include here below the pricing structure.