Hi - can someone replace the wufoo forms with the marketo form on the contact sales page? I'd like to test this in a dev environment first before launching. Should this be on dev.gitlab.com
Marketo form customisation possibilities are poor, so I've just tweaked it a little, button customisation with own css is not possible at all :( I went through documentation twice.
What is left is on the side of our website css, @rspeicher please, take care about it. This page source is quite diverse, plus salesforce integration by piece of code mentioned by @AshleyS should not be lost, so I trust your dev skills
@dzaporozhets: To clarify, I think we'll need to add a forward from webhooks.io to some Marketo endpoint I haven't yet figured out. That should be all we need from your end.
@AshleyS I think you asked Marketo about incoming webhooks and they said they were supported, and that docs were "forthcoming". Did you find any docs for it?
I mentioned that GitLab.com users get weekly emails. People that sign up via https://about.gitlab.com/blog/ or /contact get daily emails (so they get security releases faster).
Anywho, I've got a webhooks.io account. I need to:
Add a split in webhooks.io to point to marketo-tools
Add logic in marketo-tools to handle the Recurly webhook data
However, like #427 (closed), both of those things are moot until we actually deploy marketo-tools.
Aside from that, I'm not sure I ever found out what data from Recurly actually needs to go into Marketo. Let's figure that out! Here are the events Recurly sends. Each one has some example data.
I'll assume we want firstName, lastName and company always. If we need to do anything fancy like update some field when they cancel their subscription, that's the kind of thing I'll need detailed requirements for.