cc @jnijhof@jacobvosmaer - I forgot to cross-post our Slack discussion to this issue.
I believe where we last left off was that there's a webhook that points to some script on but no one knows who set it up or what exactly it does?
rspeicher [10:16 AM] @job: Ashley claims that all account registrations on forward to Mailchimp, does that sound right? Where is that integration defined?job [10:17 AM] joined #questions by invitation from @rspeicherrspeicher [10:27 AM] RE: Enterprise Editionsytse [10:45 AM] @rspeicher: have you had (someone) check the system hooks of [10:46 AM] @sytse: No, that's admin-only, yeah?sytse [10:46 AM] yes, admin only, maybe @jeroen can helpjeroen [10:46 AM] joined #questions by invitation from @sytserspeicher [10:48 AM] @jeroen: Could you please show me which system hooks we have active on [10:49 AM] Enterprise Editionjeroen [10:50 AM] @rspeicher: sure give me a secjeroen [10:53 AM]@rspeicher: only this one: `` (edited)rspeicher [10:53 AM] @jeroen: Any idea what that does?jeroen [10:54 AM] not sure maybe @job or @jacobvosmaer knowsjacobvosmaer [10:55 AM] joined #questions by invitation from @jeroenjacobvosmaer [10:57 AM] no I do not know what isjacobvosmaer [10:57 AM]maybe @valery knowsvalery [10:57 AM] joined #questions by invitation from @jacobvosmaervalery [10:59 AM] I have no idea, sorry guyssytse [11:00 AM] @job any idea what does?rspeicher [11:01 AM] Haha, well someone set it up!job [11:21 AM] I think it's the mail chimp importer, will check once I'm behind my macrspeicher [11:23 AM] @job: That's what we think it is. I think @ashley will want it to go to Marketo instead of Mailchimp
Marketo says we should be using API to push data into Marketo and not webhooks for the signup form. Will send first name, last name, and email into marketo