This will include a revamp of the pricing breakdowns for .com, CE, EE, as well as EE options (formerly add-ons).
**Additional sections on the page will include**
- ~~Blurbs that deep-dive into competition comparison, High Availability, and GitHost~~
- ~~CE vs EE feature highlight + comparison (showcase value/investment of EE and drive users to upgrade/purchase, also deep-dives into feature comparison)~~
- CE vs EE feature comparison call-out
- Subscription & Licensing FAQ — all questions and answers featured here versus linking out to a separate page
- Backend integration
- Custom subscription page design
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@AshleyS digesting all this info...can we set up some time to chat about the current state of this redesign and discuss what next steps look like? Feel free to invite everyone that's relevant :)
Without further ado, I give you an initial, yet comprehensive, draft of the redesigned pricing page. It's modeled after the current pricing page with a few exceptions...
- I added some additional bullet points to the GitLab Geo and Pivotal Tile add-ons, providing additional info without having to jump to a new page to learn everything.
- I broke out this current table into a few sections to be a bit more informative, while still having links to deep-dive.
- ```Open source and feature-packed: GitLab CE vs. GitLab EE``` - the goal here is to showcase some of the most enticing features of CE & EE and (mainly) EE only to further sway organizations to make the leap to EE - show that it's worth the investment.
- Also included FAQs + answers on the page.
**UX concern**
It may be set up this way due to our transactions going through recurly, but I find it really confusing/misleading that GitLab EE and the three add-ons have separate Buy Now buttons.
So from a users perspective, I want to buy EE with all three add-ons but it's not really clear how to do that from this page, and let's hope they figure it out on the recurly page.
Changing the add-on button text to Buy Now with GitLab EE clears it up a bit, but still not incredibly clear how to buy multiple add-ons. Any thoughts?
I'm not sure I like the that "FREE" is all-caps, or the slab-serif font used. It doesn't really fit with the rest of the page, and it would require loading an extra font file. Any specific reason not to use Source Sans Pro Bold for that?
I think the Free Trial button would probably work better if it had either a white background or white text.
I've found that – in-practice on the home page – the white-on-purple text for longer feature descriptions is hard on the eyes. Maybe that's just me, though.
The feature bullet points in each pricing card should have 3 or 4 points. Two seems a bit sparse, especially compared to the Add-ons below it.
Really beautiful design otherwise, I love the FAQ design especially. Much better than the current page :)
The buy now button for EE, Geo, Pivotal Tile and Premium Support all go to the same recurly page. The add-on's are towards the bottom for them to buy. EE is required for these add-on's. As we move to Zuora and build out our pricing page, suggest that you speak with @rdavila about how we solve for this.
@connorshea thanks for the feedback, I've gone back and fourth with several of the points you mentioned. I'll deep-dive into those and others once everyone has had time to weigh in, appreciate it!
@ChadMalchow we're on the same page about EE, Geo, and Pivotal going to the same purchase page. My comment was more around how do we make it both apparent and intuitive that the user can potentially buy EE with all three add-ons...before going to the Subscribe page and checking the boxes for which add-ons they want. Maybe it's not as big of a deal as I'm making it.
The calculator example is a decent idea...give the user the ability to build their package and also get an idea of their overall investment before purchase. Let me think about how that might improve what I put together, thanks for sharing.
@rdavila thanks for the screenshot of the Subscribe page. It needs a little work to feel more like GitLab, but is already a definite improvement from the current recurly page.
Working through a few changes and here's the dilemma with the current setup relating to the add-ons section:
- It doesn't make sense that the add-ons have their own "Buy Now" button when really they need to be selected / purchased with EE.
- It’s difficult since the actual purchase happens on a different page — the current “Buy Now with GitLab EE” buttons help but there’s still not a good way to indicate / allow users to select more than 1 add-on.
- Perhaps an "Add Feature" button makes more sense on each add-on. The user can select / deselect multiple add-ons (pre-populating the check boxes on the next [subscribe] page) and we could drop in a new "Purchase your GitLab EE package" button below the add-on boxes
@ChadMalchow I thought that was the case, but then still saw "Add-ons" on the current pricing page. I see that @sytses has updated that, and I'll do the same in my next design iteration.
Do you have any thoughts on my last comment
@AshleyS and I both agree that the current interaction with "Buy Now" on each Option doesn't make the best sense.
I agree, it does not make sense to have a buy now button that goes to the same pricing page. Should either be a link that allows them to go to their account and purchase the EE option or maybe contact us to add to their account. We/I am building out a Customer Success team that would handle these growth opportunities. When we move to Zuora, this should be much easier. I would involve @rdavila in these discussions as well to ensure a smooth buying experience.
@ChadMalchow thanks for your input, great point on how to allow existing users to add options to their EE account. I think the main goal of the pricing page should be to capture new subscribers, but perhaps we put in some fine print to the effect of "Interested in adding one or more of these options to your current GitLab EE account? Contact us."
Prior to seeing Chad's latest comment I was going to post the most recent iteration, it factors in an idea for potentially solving for the "Buy Now" dilemma on the options ( Definitely interested in hearing your thoughts on this @rdavila, whether it's possible, and if you think it improves the buying experience from your point of view.
- Icons implemented @AshleyS
- Sticking with the slab-serif for the pricing on each block (for now)as it provides some visual contrast, and also (more importantly) evokes a sense of trust and stability. Which I find fairly important on this page as we hope to convert some pretty large investments. If loading an additional font compromises performance / load-time then I'll say my goodbyes (cc @jschatz1@rspeicher@iamphill).
- From here we should begin to refine the copy / content cc @amara @AshleyS
@lukebabb if the Customer selected some Options from the Pricing page then we can pass it through the URL as an array of IDs to the Subscription page, then I can read that values and automatically select the proper Options.
@lukebabb Just the one weight for the slab font right?
It will add to the load time for sure - but I don't think a single font file will add that much onto it. If it does become an issue, we could look at async loading the fonts
It'd be a shame not to have the slab font - I think it looks nice there!
@rdavila awesome, that's what I was hoping to hear. Thanks!
@iamphill yep, just the single weight (Roboto Slab Regular). And it's likely to make appearances elsewhere in the redesign to break up all the Source Sans, without getting too crazy of course.
@amara could you help me complete copy for the Open source & Feature-packed: GitLab CE vs. GitLab EEsection? I need a couple more "sexy" EE features — also open to swapping out the current ones if there are others you think would draw people in a bit better. The goal is to highlight some great features that are in both CE and EE, but ultimately highlight some REALLY great features that are EE only.
I could also use a hand crafting copy for the blurbs below (purple section), which will ultimately be linked to the deep-dive pages (links below):
- ```GitLab compared to the competition``` —
- ```High Availability``` (which I just pulled from the website and could be better) —
- ```GitHost``` —
@sytses@dzaporozhets any additional feedback on the most recent design
@lukebabb That subscription page does not capture who the account is or the ship to address, only the billing info. Would be good to have a ship to and bill to and the user can check a box if bill to and ship to are the same. We should ask for contact and contact info for a person (ideally the Sys Admin), which ma be different than the billing contact info. This way we can send the license key to the Sys Admin and the invoice to the billing contact. We can then begin to store these different users and roles in SFDC.
Thanks @ChadMalchow, definitely agree we should include and capture that information.
Based on my conversation with @elvongray last week, we can pretty much customized as much of the Subscription page as we'd like, with the exception of the iframe that loads the credit card information.
@ChadMalchow it seems odd that we are asking for a ship to address when we're not physically shipping them anything. Thoughts? However we can definitely still capture contact info for Sys Admin and billing separately.
@lukebabb totally agree. Just said ship to as a reference to how other forms capture info. Goal I see is capturing the sys admin or a technical contact. Maybe we say Contact to send license.
@rdavila@ChadMalchow so should we assume that the person logged in is the one who should receive the license key, and not include those fields (First, Last name, Email, Company / Organization) on the Subscribe page?
Thought? @ChadMalchow if we decide contact info for the Sys Admin (whoever receives the license) is still necessary here I can add it back in. cc @AshleyS @amara
@lukebabb I do not like to assume anything (related to It may be correct but we if we can clarify that the contact info is for the license to be sent to, then great. Then when the billing page comes up, if it is different contact that is fine and if the same contact, that is fine.
@ChadMalchow here's a visual, it would go on the subscription / options side — we can also play around with order if you'd like to see the Contact Information on top of that column.
@ChadMalchow @lukebabb I'm wondering if we can add a checkbox that let the Customer reuse the information from the sign up page for the Billing and Contact section.
@lukebabb Can you update the "single source of truth" in the description so someone can just come here and read the description to find out what you want done?
@rdavila could you give us a timeline as to when the Zuora integration will be ready? We'd also like your input as to whether it makes sense to launch the pricing page dependently or independently of the Zuora integration. My thought is the latter to avoid making backend changes from Recurly to Zuora, but you're the expert.
This will dictate what front-end resource(s) work on the pricing page and when we should pull them in.
@lukebabb I have approximately a couple of weeks more of development for the Zuora Integration, I think we can lunch the new pricing page with Recurly but I don't see a way to have the Options preselected on the Recurly payment page from the URL params.
@rdavila thanks for the timeline update. The Pricing page Options UI is sort of dependent on the ability to preselect before reaching the payment page. Perhaps the Add GitLab Geo / Premium Support / Pivotal Tile buttons could simply link to the Recurly page like they do on the current Pricing page. However, I'm not sure how much work is involved to switch over to the preselected flow once Zuora is live.
I've also handed over design files to @annabeldunstone to begin front-end work. cc @AshleyS
Some of it is super picky and I totally understand that these were done with basic styling for now. If there's anything you have questions on or disagree with, feel free to ping me. Happy to chat about it!
@rdavila just realized maybe my comment about Zuora integration status fits better here on the issue, rather than on the WIP MR. Sorry for the duplicate mentions.
@AshleyS and @ChadMalchow, @lukebabb and I are looking to finalize the pricing page. Since you last say it I requested small copy changes and larger structural changes. The structural changes are removing the purple text blog and removing the CE vs. EE comparison from the pricing page. This information isn't lost, it'll be included in the site changes that Luke and I have planned for the home page, features page, and comparison page. To move forward, we need you both to take a look at the comment I left on the pricing page MR: and offer a thumbs up if we have a green light to move forward or comment in the MR if you disagree. Ideally, we'd have a response before EOD Thursday.
@lukebabb Sorry about that! You can find the current screenshots here:
With @jschatz1's input we ended up using some of the card styling from the marketing site which helped a lot with the huge chunks of empty space. Let me know if you have any feedback
@annabeldunstone no worries, the screens look great! Good call by @jschatz1, definitely dig the card styling — it give a bit more hierarchy and organization to the information. Is it weird that we use the card styling on every screen BUT the Sign In / Sign Up?
Just two quick changes...
Make the Order Total: $00,000.00 and Total: $00,000.00 bold/semi-bold (whichever weight we use for the Options titles) so that they stand out a bit more. Especially the instance where you have Subtotal and Estimated Taxes above it.
Let's give the buttons that are on the gray background a white fill — a bit more polished IMHO.
@lukebabb Good point. I'll try the card styling on the sign in/log in page to see how that looks. I'll let you know when the app has been updated again
33% of people click compare ce and ee. Very important. see screenshot
Looks like we should add the comparison section back in — give an overview of the comparison with a link to the full feature comparison, or perhaps just the text link.
> 2) where does "learn more" go?
Is high availability a feature that's accessible in all versions of GitLab (.com, CE, and EE)?
> 1) contact sales button should be at top
Does it need to be more prominent than it is now? Gray text link below the 30-Day trial callout
@AshleyS the 33% click-thru rate in the CE and EE boxes is currently the ```Learn More...``` links in the redesign, I would speculate that we'll have the same click-thru rate even with the different terminology?
@AshleyS and @lukebabb apologies it was my suggestion to remove the CE vs. EE text box. However, given the clicks we get to the comparison page I think the best solution is to bring back the link but not the full text box. That way, (1) you can still click the link and (2) we have one place to maintain the content for GitLab CE vs. EE.
My thoughts on the copy for this link box is below.
"Choose the edition of GitLab that is best for your business.
Compare the features of the Community and Enterprise Edition"
@iamphill please make updates to the pricing page per the latest mockup above (also updated in the issue description)
A few things to note:
- We've dropped the purple text block section
- The CE / EE comparison is now just a callout with a text link
- Make "What is GitLab High Availability?" as the first FAQ on the left side — I pulled the first two sentences from here ( with a ```Learn more...``` text link to that page.
There are a couple fine-tuning items that I'll not in MR !2134 (merged) after you post screenshots of these updates. Ping me if you have any questions! cc @amara