Security Email List Signup
We need to make sure people are signing up for the correct newsletter or security release lists.
Propose the following:
Monday - Add a "Sign up for security notifications" under the Security section that makes it clear the user is signing up for security updates.
Now - Change verbiage on the contact us page under newsletter that makes it clear user is only signing up for twice-monthly newsletter.
Ongoing - In every security blog, at the bottom point users to how they can signup for security updates on the contact us page.
Monday - Tweet "sign up for security alerts" periodically pointing to the contact us page -
Now - Update the verbiage on the blog to say they are signing up for twice-monthly newsletter -
Next newsletter - Include "signup for security alerts" in one of the upcoming newsletters.
Monday - Email the 1500 person list (not the 800 person one we've already emailed] the security release from last week as the second signup box on the website wasn't clear it was for newsletter only.
Mid-week - Email the 1500 + 900 person list that we aren't emailing every blog post out and moving to only send security updates to the list that has registered for those plus the twice monthly blog post. Our blog post frequency is about to increase quite a bit. Note: If we wanted to make the RSS style email alert every time a blog post is sent for this 2400 person list, we could spend some engineering/marketing time to migrate to this