I say we create the EE page which will list all EE-only features which in turn will link to their separate pages. In the specific pages we will describe the feature in a tutorial like tone. This can be extracted from the blog posts as discussed in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/issues/305. Ideally, every specific feature should have a pdf accompanying it.
Yes this is exactly what I want! This is similar in idea to what we had put together with Unbounce as a kind of stopgap so I had somewhere to send paid traffic to. Please let me know what I can do to help.
Most likely October for design and live on the site. The copy is a Q3
deliverable. Luke is also bringing on another designer which should help
expedite the process in October.
@amara Can we use the copy for the stand alone pages in emails and decks ? I have a call with a prospect this week and need some content for a deck. Any help would be great.
For reviewers, please review with the following in mind:
Does this page answers key questions about our enterprise edition (i.e. what is it, how does it help, how can I use it, how does it compare to other solutions)
For sales, would this page serve as a good primer to your conversations. If not, what else would you like someone to have read before speaking with you?
Since we can only call out some many features, are there features that you would like to see on this page? If so, feel free to suggest others.
Updated copy for the standalone page. Still needs to be cleaned up but sharing a draft for early feedback@inem I did my best to take into account the messaging suggestions you left on the value drivers issue. Take a look and please feel free to comment with additional thoughts on the marketing messages for EE.
Phew, this is a long page! @amara for that reason I wanted to get a quick layout draft out so you can see how the content might fall. You'll notice that if we take a similar approach to the Features page v2 with the three columns and spotlighting certain features, the content balance is a bit off in a few sections. Again, just wanted to get a first draft out there, seeing it now, do you feel it's too similar to the Features page v2? I don't think that's a bad thing but I've been staring at it too long and need fresh eyes to take a look. cc @dfranca
Thanks Luke! It is a long page and seeing it all laid out is making me wonder if I should explore shortening the page. I have some ideas on how to do that but I'd like to give others a chance to weigh in before deciding to cut.
In the mean time, some suggested edits to the design (no need to make these changes though since we are still waiting to hear from others):
Let's drop to 1 row of customer logos vs. 2
The enterprise at a glance section takes up a decent amount of space right now. To be able to get this section into one horizontal bar with the 4 copy blocks side by side, would you say I need to trim the copy down to one sentence?
I can update the copy to move the info for run gitlab your way and focus on building your tools to other sections so we can get that page real estate back
@luke nice work, that's a great first draft! I agree with the above comments about the page being too long.
Let me just drop here a few feedback points:
* Some sections look a bit off in the flow of the page, maybe because they're left aligned?
* Wonder if it's possible to reduce the copy size on these next sections, or maybe try to limit the line length to somewhere around 50/60 characters? I find them hard to read.
* This might be me just being picky! The dark sections have orange title/white description for both section title and points, and the light sections have orange title/purple description for section title and orange title/grey description for points. If we make this last ones purple, they would still be easy to read and would become more consistent. Just an idea.
* Dark:
* Light:
Sorry about displaying so many images, but I find it easier to explain this way! cc @amara
If people are looking for EE, it's because they want more than just CE. We don't mention anywhere that EE is CE on steroids, with features made for the enterprise world (in terms of security, user management and management tools). We have multiple ways we can deal with this:
Have a section that talks about it at the top of the page
Replace "Features" by "Features unique to Enterprise Edition"
Can also be one sentence, but at the very top of the page
Main tagline: "and even security leads love" - while I appreciate the humor, we don't mention managers here in the sentence. We know developers love and use us. Managers and decision makers are the one who will actually buy EE. What do you think?
"Bring the power of Git.... on your secure servers" → should it be "on servers that you own?"
We also need a new Header menu to access this page.
Enterprise products at the end, deserve more love:
Another title: something like "Add even more power to your Enterprise software"
Add a description below that that says more about why they should take those products.
Instead of having 4 sections with the same structure, can we have one with a different layout in the middle? Like
The enterprise at a glance section takes up a decent amount of space right now. To be able to get this section into one horizontal bar with the 4 copy blocks side by side, would you say I need to trim the copy down to one sentence?
@amara so this is where the layout becomes problematic IMO — to keep the flow of the page as consistent as possible (and also not cause headaches for front-end when making this layout responsive), I don't think we want to jump around to several different column counts. Perhaps there are some tweaks we can make to the copy? If they were super brief we might be able to make 4 columns work.
Look at how consistent the columns are in this example you shared in the copy doc. https://www.heroku.com/enterprise is also pretty similar... full width, 2 col, and 3 col layouts.
Wonder if it's possible to reduce the copy size on these next sections, or maybe try to limit the line length to somewhere around 50/60 characters? I find them hard to read.
@dfranca I agree that several of the headlines + sub-heads are a bit long, and thanks for the other feedback as well. I don't think we want to reduce the copy size for the sake of consistency, @amara is it possible to trim those down any?
@regisF thanks for the feedback, varying the section layout in the middle is a good idea — I'll give it a try.
@luke the new updated copy is in. I took note of your point on only having columns of 3 or 2 and adjust everything to fit that. You'll notice this helps the gitlab at a glance section and the compare section where I added a 6th point so we can to do 2 columns of 3. Also should we add icons to the compare section? It feels a bit cold compared to the other sections that will have screens and icons.
@amara I don't think the length of the page is a problem. As long as there is a logic in the sections order and it is clear where one section ends and another one ends - it shouldn't be a problem. Also illustrations/text amount ratio is important. It is much easier to start reading longer text block if there's descriptive illustration catching your attention on top of it.
@amara Also every time I talk to someone interested in EE at our booth, I had to explain how we choose what features go to EE, and what to CE. Do you think clarifying it on this page would make sense? And who do you think is the target audience of this page? If we could make this page only for those who are already familiar with GitLab, then it would be much more clear what to tell on this page. We could route everyone else to the main page explaining what is GitLab, 10-steps and why we are better than competitors.
We could bring a lot of CE users on this page by implementing this small thing in GitLab:
@inem thanks for the feedback. What do you say in your explanation of how we decide on features? Having this information would help me understand if we already have this information in the page.
Also good suggestion on using the product to upsell EE. However, since that does not pertain to this issue, can you create a separate issue for it so we can assess the proposal?
What do you say in your explanation of how we decide on features?
I think I am really just trying to repeat what @JobV usually says:
CE is very powerful. Our sales people suffer from that. Most probably CE will be enough for you.
Only features, that make sense for companies with more than 100 developers, go to EE
An observation: a reason for a company to buy EE - need to build a more custom process(usually it means more strict process). I met people from companies with 10-20 people, who bought EE because of this.
@amara here is the latest version that includes copy updates and layout tweaks. The Products / Features still need blocks of text like we discussed. cc @dfranca
- If we need to remove Geo from the `Make everyone on your team productive` section, that will be an easy change given the layout.
Copy could be beefed up for Audit logs in the Keep track of the development process section.
Thanks Luke! The new design looks really good! I left some comments in the doc for you but no need to change the copy in the design. We can do that in the frontend implementation. Three things we should change in the design are:
Remove the EE products section after price. I have moved the products into features on this page. Since we are adding a new EE SKU I want to avoid design this page twice
Remove "Enterprise Features" from the Nav
Add a CTA button that links to the comparison page. The button should say Compare GitLab to other tools
Thanks @amara — couple questions regarding your feedback.
Remove the EE products section after price. I have moved the products into features on this page. Since we are adding a new EE SKU I want to avoid design this page twice
Could you highlight where you've moved the products to within the features section? I'm going to update the design as it will be helpful when creating icons.
Add a CTA button that links to the comparison page. The button should say Compare GitLab to other tools
To confirm, I feel like this CTA button should replace the text link comparisons that are at the bottom of the Compare section currently?
Thanks. I highlighted the places where I moved the Geo and File Locking. It will not change the design and then I moved Premium Support as just a mention in our support section so the copy of that line changes but the design won't change.
And yes, the comparison links are replaced by 1 button that sends people to the comparison page.
Thanks @amara, here is the updated design. I think we can hand this off to front-end to get started on the overall layout? I will follow up with final icons and illustrations as they are completed.
And yes, I'll find out who on the frontend team can work on this. I think we will need a mobile design as well since that came up for the features page.
Amara NwaigweMarked the task Design webpage as completed
Thanks Luke. The hero sentence looks long on mobile. (I know the page is long but the way you've laid out the info looks good. Can we change the hero to a hero and sub head and see if that doesnt weigh down the page as much? My goal is to shorten that section so you can see more of the next section and want to scroll down.
GitLab Enterprise Edition
Innovate faster without sacrificing quality or security
At the beginning I though that something is wrong with spacing. Then I realised that picture illustrates Geo, not "Make everyone on your team productive". Do you think it might worth changing the styling(font size or color) of the main caption, so it will look different from from the the following captions?
@amara we can make that change to the hero sentence, but it will likely have to be the same on desktop — this layout is simply a shuffle of the content (and some scaling of font sizes) to accommodate the decreased width. So, AFAIK we can't have different hero messages for desktop and mobile — but we can certainly ask frontend to find out for sure.
@inem that's definitely a valid point as it's tough to establish consistent hierarchy on mobile considering that content is essentially stacked one on top of another. I made some font size adjustments to the "GitLab Geo" block that I think will help. The hierarchy is more obvious on the desktop version (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/691#note_18598905).
Bryce, I assigned to you based on our convo from last week. You should be able to start developing the webpage with the existing design and copy. Luke will likely make changes to the mobile design and I owe you both screens which I can work to get in the coming days.
Bryce, let us know if you have any questions as you start work on this.
I love the design 👍 and I'm working on implementing it now.
One thought:
Having read the comments on this issue, there seem to still be questions around how to prioritize content on this page, and which users we're catering to with it. Also, as I've been working on implementing the design, I've been struck at just how much there is that EE can do and how big a challenge it is to communicate all of it to every kind of visitor on just one page.
Instead of one static page, we could fairly easily have several variations of it to cater to users based on referring sources. So, for example, if a visitor was referred by a Google Ad for 'CI Tools', we could make sure the content about CI shows up higher on the page. Or we could show extra content about CI. The sky's the limit in this regard.
It seems like this would support better A/B testing, ROI analysis, and a bunch of other marketing strategy and metrics that I'm clueless about. It really wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement either. It would just be helpful to know upfront if it's a direction we could end up taking this, as it would affect the way I build it.
But I don't know a lot about how marketers think about this stuff -- maybe you all have more thoughts on this?
Bryce, that would be awesome for improving discoverability for content on
this page. But for the first pass, we should keep it as a static page then
when we assess our traffic drivers to the page we can improve the
information hierarchy and do more A/B testing.
Also let me know when screenshots have been gathered so I can prep them for implementation. @brycepj icons are complete, exporting the SVGs now and I'll share them soon.
Luke BabbMarked the task Design mobile site as completed
@brycepj you can find the final layouts (desktop & mobile) in the issue description. The desktop layout includes the final icons, screenshots should be coming our way soon. cc @amara
@amara icons will be identical on desktop and mobile. The placeholder icons on mobile simply show the location, I can add the final icons in real quick - for sake of time I did not add them in originally.
@brycepj how would you like to go about building this? The 10 step icons already exist in SVG format, but I'm not quite sure how you'd like to implement the top icon + lines on the left and right. Also not sure if this whole graphic would scale down to be responsive or simply drop off at a certain break point.
@amara First, the page looks awesome! Great job everyone!
Second, per your request, I do think we should include CI information on this page. CI is something that enterprises are interested to learn about in general. So including it on this page will help us with broad google/bing searches and should bump our SEO ranking regardless of where it falls on the page. Just don't want prospects to think we are giving them an "either/or" decision between the products. I'm not sure what will be in the scrolling pictures of the CI section, but I don't think it will hurt the page to have that information there.
@luke On the CE homepage, we remove the whole graphic at a certain breakpoint. I think that makes sense to keep consistent.
As for the long line at the top, I don't see any reason why that can't be an SVG as well. At first glance, I can't tell if it will be easier to scale it up and down as three pieces or one. If you want to give it to me in either format, I can try it out.
@amara should be talk about innersourcing as well as HIPAA. Because EE is on premise, we are HIPAA compliant or do not have the issues many hosted software has to be HIPAA compliant. Calling this out may help organizations that need to have HIPAA compliant software understand that they will be compliant with GitLab EE.
@brycepj forgot to clean up some of the svg files, they are updated now. I had a hard time removing styling (fill color) from the hero icons, but hopefully they will work.
@luke I've been trying to style the 'development cycle' svg, but its dimensions are kind of unwieldy. It looks like the whole graphic is a square, so there ends up being a lot of whitespace above and below it. Is there a way that you could trim the file to just the size/shape of the actual graphic? Does that make sense?
Below, you can see the width and height of the svg, which is selected (and highlighted) in Chrome devtools: