Make a salary calculator
On every job page on the bottom have compensation.
Link to benefits and have a calculator.
Calculator has four dropdowns:
- Location (from numbeo)
- Contract type (contractor, US employee, NL employee) (we can also infer this from the location, as long as we keep the contract factor in the output)
- Junior/Intermediate/Senior/Lead
- Experience factor (between 0.8 to 1.2/0.8/1/1.2)
All numbeo data for the locations is in a json file.
The NYC job compensation is in the yml file of the job description.
The output is something that everyone can understand.
- NYC comp
- Rent factor + 25 % (because we have better than average people at GitLab
- Contract factor
- Title factor
- Experience factor or range
- Total (can be exact number or a range if the experience factor is a range)
Can have X between the numbers.