Iteration #2 (closed): Update of the Application Page.
Requirement to filter applications by category at the top of the application page.
Action Items:
Design icons to go with each of the categories. Icons should be outline only, similar to the image below - @luke
Application categories:
Native Apps
Command Line Interface (CLI) Clients
API Clients
Continuous Integration
CMS Plugins
GUI Git Clients
Performance Measurements
Scrum Boards
Build with GitLab
GitLab Runners
Add box at the top of the page beneath the Search Bar added in iteration #1 (closed). See example webpage.
Box should have large title in the centre reading: Application Categories
Beneath title should be 4x3 (4 across, 3 down) application boxes with the each of application categories specified above
In each box should be the title of the category and the icon to the left of the title, both within a box.
When the user clicks on an application category, the page scrolls down to the category in it's placing on the webpage. It should NOT filter out other categories.
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@dfranca can you help out with this? The main request is to design icons for the different application categories (see description above). Also feel free to provide design feedback and recommendations concerning the page layout and UX as well. cc @scornille
Thanks @luke . @dfranca would this be possible to complete by mid-next week? Happy to jump on a call to discuss the page design and icon requirements in more detail if required. Overarching application page issue is here
@scornille yeah, I think I can have the icons ready by the date required, I'll start working on those straight away. Should we keep them at the same size as the ones on the example above, or do you have any other size in mind?
@dfranca Yeah, I think it would be good to keep them a similar size and style as the examples. The overarching issue for the redesign is here. Might help give some context. Worth keep in mind that the icons will have writing beneath them of each category, of which both will be enclosed within a button. Thanks!
@scornille@luke here are the icons I came up with. Since these represent apps, I decided to keep all of them inside a computer window, acting as a frame. Let me know what you think.
And the next one for real size:
@dfranca these look great. @eliran.mesika what are your thoughts. My only suggestion would be that we need to make the words more prominent. Perhaps we could add the words inside the computer window? Make them a little darker/bigger? IF they can't be inside the computer window, what is the typical approach for words and icon - should the words be under the icon that they are aligned with?
@scornille forgot to mention that the words are not final, they are just there so you know which icon represents what.
Having them inside the window won't work, because they would become unreadable due to size. An option would be to display the buttons with the text on the right side of the icons:
@dfranca the icons look great, the only one I don't quite get is Scrum Boards — could you explain that one at bit?
Otherwise I agree with having the application category title either to the right of the icons as you have it, or below. However, seeing that most of these titles will take up two lines (to be prominent enough), I think text to the right is the best approach.
But you may want to experiment and see what they'd look like mocked up on the actual page.
@dfranca@scornille icons look great indeed! Agree that the name should sit to the right of the icon, however I think the box they currently are in takes away from the appearance - not sure if that's just for the display here or for the page as well.
That's just for display, so you can see how the icon and text would look inside a button. Next I'm going to work on the final arrangement and display for these icons.
This version separates the sections with a line, keeping the background the same color. The problem with this one is that it is pretty plain, and might become boring for the user if he scrolls down. But since you're supposed to click at the top to filter a category and be transported to it, this might end up not being an issue.
In this next one, the background of each section alternates color. This adds some rhythm to the page and could help in breaking the problem of the previous mock.
Also, it might be important to make the categories filter display entirely above the fold. If we shrink some elements a bit, it can work.
@dfranca Thanks for sharing the mocks. The user scenarios we've scoped out led to users searching for a specific app or a category so color alternation isn't critical. I would want to make sure the category are implicitly clear these are essentially links/button to lead you to the related apps. At the moment, I'm not sure that's obvious but I think I may be overkilling it on this page :)
@eliran.mesika would changing "Application Categories" to "Choose Application Category" be an option? That could help in informing those elements are clickable.
@eliran.mesika right, awesome! Should we go with the non alternating background version then? When we're set on this, I can go on and prepare a mobile mock. cc @scornille
@dfranca thanks for your work on this. It is going to be a huge improvement in terms of aesthetic and usability. Could I ask one more favour of you. We are going to include the logos of our application partners above the each application. But, there are some application partners that do not have logos, so we need a plain default logo, perhaps a grey GitLab logo which we can use for those application partners. What are your thoughts? Also @eliran.mesika
@eliran.mesika , @jivanvl is updating the search bar as per the suggestions on the issue. Should be done soon. This issue will come after that, but we are still looking at a completion date for the search bar and this issue within the first half of Jan.
Q2: From a design standpoint, I think they should be truncated so they will all look the same. Keeping it to 3 lines max.
Q3: We can just remove the underline on hovering.
Q4: We can make the links in the text purple, like the image below, with the same behaviour on hover as the application links.
*Q5: Here's a mockup for the dropdown, but you can check the sketch file for details.
Q1 & Q4, we should be able to include as many links as requested?
@scornille Does this mean they can provide as many main orange links as requested? Sure they can add links to the description, but I'm talking about the orange link.
I've looked into truncating the text at the 3rd line. There are a number of ways to achieve this, none of which are that pretty and boring. I'm thinking, I take a rough stab at how many characters are needed for 3 lines and we set that as the character limit. This means if someone uses only links in their description for example, it would probably be 4 lines, not 3, but a character limit of truncation is much simpler to describe for the contributors and the code.