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8.5 Release

Merged Robert Speicher requested to merge release-8-5-0 into master

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83 83
84 84 This release has more improvements, including security fixes. Please check out [the Changelog]( to see the all named changes.
85 85
86 ### Mattermost 1.5
  • Proposed tweaks to text:

    Mattermost 2.0

    Mattermost 2.0 ships with GitLab 8.5 and includes localization support, Spanish-language translation, and API support for GitLab single-sign-on in iOS and Android apps.

    Mattermost can now also skip 1 major build version. This means GitLab Mattermost upgrades from GitLab 8.3 to 8.5 without needing to upgrade to 8.4.

    The new 2.0 iOS app for Mattermost with GitLab SSO requires Mattermost server 2.0 and higher due to a breaking change in mobile API incompatible with Mattermost 1.x.

    ### Mattermost 2.0 
    [Mattermost 2.0](LINK to final blog post that goes live Feb 16) ships with GitLab 8.5 and includes localization support, Spanish-language translation, and API support for GitLab single-sign-on in iOS and Android apps. 
    Mattermost can now also skip 1 major build version. This means GitLab Mattermost upgrades from GitLab 8.3 to 8.5 without needing to upgrade to 8.4. 
    The new 2.0 iOS app for Mattermost with GitLab SSO requires Mattermost server 2.0 and higher due to a breaking change in mobile API incompatible with Mattermost 1.x.
  • Link updated below. Sorry, in the back of a car right now traveling today and don't have access to back tick. URL is

    Mattermost 2.0

    Mattermost 2.0 ships with GitLab 8.5 and includes localization support, Spanish-language translation, and API support for GitLab single-sign-on in iOS and Android apps.

    Mattermost can now also skip 1 major build version. This means GitLab Mattermost upgrades from GitLab 8.3 to 8.5 without needing to upgrade to 8.4.

    The new 2.0 iOS app for Mattermost with GitLab SSO requires Mattermost server 2.0 and higher due to a breaking change in mobile API incompatible with Mattermost 1.x.

  • Users upgrading to 8.5 have to keep in mind that we're now using Ruby 2.2 instead of Ruby 2.1, this might require some extra work in terms of restarting Unicorn workers (only if they run into any problems). We didn't keep this in mind when deploying which lead to some downtime.

    Omnibus users will have to run gitlab-ctl restart unicorn to properly restart Unicorns. Users running from source (assuming they're also upgrading their Ruby) have to run [sudo] service restart gitlab.

  • If you use omnibus and the skip-auto-migrations file then you might need to run gitlab-ctl restart unicorn after installing the 8.5 package.

  • Performance notes


    Timings for display individual issues:


    Timings for the dashboard (the "Your Projects" tab):


    Timings overall (vertical arrow indicates the time we deployed 8.5.0 RC1):


  • Also MergeRequest#closes_issues no longer shows up in Grafana meaning that so far it has been performing faster than the method call threshold (10 milliseconds), previously it could take a few seconds at worst. That or I somehow broke things monitoring wise (which seems unlikely since everything else is still working).

    Edited by yorickpeterse-staging
  • And here's a graph showing the overall response timings (per 30 minutes) in the past 3 days, the vertical arrow indicates the 8.5.0 RC1 deploy:


    Before the deploy the 95th percentile sat around 2.3 seconds, after the deploy it's sitting around 1.4 seconds. The 99th percentile went down from around 5.5 seconds to 3.9 seconds.

    Edited by yorickpeterse-staging
  • Copy-pasting from Slack (this gives a better understanding of the impact than just fancy looking graphs):

    Little factoid about in the ~15 hours before the 8.5.0 RC1 deploy (11th at ~14:00 UTC) our timings were as following:

    • 95th percentile: 2.026 sec
    • 99th percentile: 6.169 sec
    • mean: 658.6 ms

    Since the deploy (until now) the timings are as following:

    • 95th percentile: 1.448 sec (= 1.4x faster)
    • 99th percentile: 3.779 sec (= 1.6x faster)
    • mean: 462.8 ms (= 1.4x faster)
    Edited by yorickpeterse-staging
  • Added 1 commit:

    • e376359f - Add Artem Sidorenko as 8.5 MVP
  • Hello @all, this is the monthly release post that will go out on the 22nd (Monday), announcing the new GitLab version (8.5). Look through it to see if we can make any changes and feel free to comment with suggestions or questions!

    A few more features that are ready for 8.5:

    • Runners API: gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!2640
    • Make it possible to erase build content (artifacts, trace): gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!2560

    A few more features that should be ready for 8.5:

    • Labels should be visible in milestone view: gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!2599
    • Tasks: gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!2817
    Edited by username-removed-128633
  • Please add an invitation at the end :) Lots of people signed up after seeing this post last time! Helps a lot!

    ## Join us for a live demo and Q+A
    [Sign up to our webcast]( 
    Job van der Voort will give a live through for GitLab 8.5 and he'll talk about GitLab Flow. 
    It’s on Thursday, February 25th, 5pm (17:00) UTC; 12pm EST; 9am PST. 
    Can't make that time? 
    [Register]( anyway, and we'll send you the recording.
    Edited by Robert Speicher
  • @nearlythere Pro tip: Use triple backticks, also called "fenced code blocks", to format multiple lines as code/pre-formatted text. I've updated your comment so you can see it in action.

  • We should probably mention that we now support Ruby 2.1 and 2.2 -

    Edited by James Lopez
  • saving runner api for runner autoscale announcement

  • Added 448 commits:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • We should add something like:

    Note to early adopters: the 8.5.0 release candidates recommended using Ruby 2.2 but we have found some issues We recommend everybody to keep using Ruby 2.1 for now.

  • @jacobvosmaer thanks I added that exact line

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

    • e10ac86c - more updates to release post
  • Another performance note: changes the way the Git core.autocrlf option is set. Previously this would be written (regardless of whether it was already set) on every request. As of now this is only set by the web editor/API before creating/updating files (as this is the only case where it's actually needed).

    In the 24 hours leading up to this change being deployed to (around 22:00 UTC on the 19th) the timings were as following:

    • 95th percentile: 1.601 sec
    • mean: 504 ms

    After the deploy up until now the timings are as following:

    • 95th percentile: 1.551 sec
    • mean: 479 ms

    In short, the overall impact isn't that big, but it still has a impact as shown in the following graph:


  • Robert Speicher Added 1 commit:

    Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 2 commits:

    • 9ef916fe - Add link to Omnibus relative documentation
    • 81804646 - Add more performance notes for the graph junkies
  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Performance/functional improvement:

    • 'Raw' file contents from Git repositories are served by gitlab-workhorse now, which prevents timeouts.
    • GitLab no longer loads large Git blobs (e.g. binary files) into memory when browsing a Git repository. This prevents timeouts and memory leaks.
    Edited by username-removed-5302
  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 4 commits:

  • Added 1 commit:

    • 4080c4fd - remove TODO things. Edit text to make it sound all the same
  • Added 1 commit:

  • Added 1 commit:

  • 🚄 Job van der Voort 🚀 Title changed from WIP: 8.5 Release to 8.5 Release

    Title changed from WIP: 8.5 Release to 8.5 Release

  • Added 1 commit:

  • username-removed-128633 Status changed to merged

    Status changed to merged

  • mentioned in commit ed47c9d4

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