Additional limitations terms
modified terms to add explanation on:
- no subscription
- users of CE
- counting users
Merge request reports
39 39 Guests, reporters, managers and people that have access to an on-premise GitLab server DO count towards the user count, even if they do not have access to the source code. 40 40 Students of educational institutions are excluded from the user count. 41 41 A person that has access to two or more on-premises GitLab servers counts as a single user. 42 Users who use the Community Edition, but who benefit from the support services of a subscription, do count towards the user count, even if they do not use the Enterprise Edition. @Marc.Radulescu As discussed replaced with !341 (merged) Also, you forgot to adapt this to the style in the rest of the document (using 'client', etc.).
thanks, @sytses shall I close this MR?
@Marc.Radulescu Oops, I meant to do that, thanks for the reminder.
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