diff --git a/data/projects.yml b/data/projects.yml
index 99478a87c08142c46a5cb3463964b84f9304fb2d..d462edbe2a51b4e10ee7a5dfd5e6559b0d1f4c96 100644
--- a/data/projects.yml
+++ b/data/projects.yml
@@ -19,15 +19,9 @@ gitlab-ee:
     This is _not_ an open source project, but we made the source code available for
     viewing and contributions.
-    GitLab Community Edition is merged daily to GitLab Enterprise Edition (look for
-    the `CE Upstream` merge requests) and as a developer it's your responsibility
-    to ensure that your merge requests apply cleanly to GitLab EE.
-    GitLab EE requires a license key to be used. To be able to run your
-    own instances for development you can use one of the shared licenses
-    (like https://license.gitlab.com/licenses/1449) or you can clone
-    https://dev.gitlab.org/gitlab/license-app and generate your own
-    licenses.
+    GitLab Community Edition is merged daily to GitLab Enterprise Edition.
+    GitLab EE requires a license key to be used.
   name: GitLab Shell
diff --git a/source/handbook/developer-onboarding/index.html.md b/source/handbook/developer-onboarding/index.html.md
index 3345f120d6e56c16089f7d72ee643fd1258ed2c4..33c0f197d600e6fa577a59774559628ff9dc208c 100644
--- a/source/handbook/developer-onboarding/index.html.md
+++ b/source/handbook/developer-onboarding/index.html.md
@@ -94,9 +94,31 @@ volunteer contributors.
 [changelog-script]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/changelog.html
+### Working on GitLab EE
+GitLab EE requires a license key to be used.
+To be able to run your own instances for development you can use one of the
+shared licenses, like [https://license.gitlab.com/licenses/1449](https://license.gitlab.com/licenses/1449)
+or you can clone [license-app][license-app] and generate your own licenses.
+[License-app][license-app] is available only for GitLab employees.
+[license-app]: /handbook/engineering/projects/#license-app
 ### Ensure that your changes apply cleanly to GitLab EE
-Please see [GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE)](#gitlab-enterprise-edition-ee).
+GitLab Community Edition is merged daily to GitLab Enterprise Edition (look for
+the [`CE Upstream` merge requests]) and as a developer it's your responsibility
+to ensure that your merge requests [apply cleanly to GitLab EE][ce-ee-docs].
+Please consult [Limit conflicts with EE when developing on CE][ce-ee-docs] for
+more details.
+Please see [GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE)][gitlab-ee].
+[`CE Upstream` merge requests]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/merge_requests?label_name%5B%5D=CE+upstream
+[ce-ee-docs]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/limit_ee_conflicts.html
+[gitlab-ee]: /handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab-ee
 ### Ruby Gems