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GitLab 9.4 release post

Merged Victor Wu requested to merge release-9-4 into master
1 file
+ 44
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@@ -64,25 +64,16 @@ features:
- name: Lorem ipsum
available_in: [ce, ees, eep] # required
documentation_link: '/features/lorem-ipsum' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Learn more about Lorem ipsum" # optional
image_url: '/images/9_X/feature-a.png' # required
image_noshadow: true # optional
description: | # supports markdown
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
# - name: Lorem ipsum
# available_in: [ce, ees, eep] # required
# documentation_link: '/features/lorem-ipsum' # webpage or documentation - optional
# documentation_text: "Learn more about Lorem ipsum" # optional
# image_url: '/images/9_X/feature-a.png' # required
# image_noshadow: true # optional
# description: | # supports markdown
# Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
# Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
- name: Lorem
available_in: [ees, eep] # required
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Learn more about Lorem" # optional
image_url: '/images/9_X/feature-a.png' # required
description: | # supports markdown
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
- name: Slack app for
available_in: [ only] # required
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
@@ -90,54 +81,62 @@ features:
image_url: '/images/9_X/feature-a.png' # required
description: | # supports markdown
We've already had support for Slack integration in GitLab in the past. With this release, we now have a app right in the Slack App Directory itself. This signficantly makes it easier to configure Slack integration, reducing many manual steps. We are supporting the integration for only in this release.
- name: Lorem ipsum
available_in: [eep] # required
documentation_link: ''
documentation_text: "Learn more on how to lorem ipsum." # webpage or documentation - optional
image_url: '/images/9_X/feature-a.png' # optional
image_noshadow: true # optional
# - name: Lorem ipsum
# available_in: [eep] # required
# documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
# documentation_text: "Praesentium tempore nulla asperiores" # optional
# image_url: '/images/9_X/feature-a.png' # optional
# image_noshadow: true # optional
# description: | # supports markdown
# Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
# Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
# Voluptate eveniet, adipisci earum sed harum nostrum
# itaque beatae, repellat sunt unde.
- name: Improved Internationalization
available_in: [ce, ees, eep] # required
documentation_link: ''
documentation_text: "Internationalization Contibution Guide" # optional
description: | # supports markdown
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
We are accelerating our efforts with Internationalization. A big thank you
to our community who are already starting to contribute additional
languages including Chinese, French, Japanese and Brazillian Portuguese.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Voluptate eveniet, adipisci earum sed harum nostrum
itaque beatae, repellat sunt unde.
- name: Sunt nam accusantium nostrum
available_in: [ees, eep] # required
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Praesentium tempore nulla asperiores" # optional
description: | # supports markdown
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
In GitLab 9.4 we are adding Internationalization support for the
following pages.
* Branches
* Commits
* Activity
* Group Home
- name: Simplified JIRA integration settings
available_in: [ce]
available_in: [ce]
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Praesentium tempore nulla asperiores" # optional
description: | # supports markdown
We've simplified the JIRA integration settings to make it even more easier to configure. You know longer have to specify a particular JIRA project as part of the configuration. Your GitLab project knows to communicate with any JIRA project in the specified JIRA instance.
- name: Trello Power-Up to attach merge request
available_in: [ce]
available_in: [ce]
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Praesentium tempore nulla asperiores" # optional
description: | # supports markdown
You can now attach a GitLab merge request from within a Trello card. We've created a Trello Power-Up for this integration.
- name: Unified Slack interface
available_in: [ce]
available_in: [ce]
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Praesentium tempore nulla asperiores" # optional
description: | # supports markdown
With this release, we are unifying the issue information shown in Slack in response to a link being pasted, a Slack slash command being executed, or a Slack notification. This provides a coherent experience regardless of how an issue is referenced in Slack.
- name: Re-designed group milestones
available_in: [ce]
available_in: [ce]
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - optional
documentation_text: "Praesentium tempore nulla asperiores" # optional
description: | # supports markdown
@@ -180,7 +179,7 @@ cta:
- title: "Join us for an upcoming event" # default
link: '/events/'
- title: "Join the release webcast" # optional
- title: Lorem ipsum amet # optional