diff --git a/source/okrs/index.html.md b/source/okrs/index.html.md
index ebe3d25560d18c4777f8812fb9957dfb02b85e7a..767c8434202d051fd5f3ebff49ec3522ba782433 100644
--- a/source/okrs/index.html.md
+++ b/source/okrs/index.html.md
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ TODO: Link to Diff with the start of the quarter
   * VP Eng: Lower latency in application
     * Discussion: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of [discussion-related actions](https://performance.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/daily-overview?orgId=1) with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s.
     * Platform: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of [platform-related actions](https://performance.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/daily-overview?orgId=1) with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s.
-    * Frontend: Measure end-to-end performance of frontend rendering
+    * Frontend: [Manual performance audit](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33958). Implement Top 3 things of assessment and improve the FE metrics (Size of FE assets, Start Rendering Time, First Meaningful Paint, Time to interactive) at least by 25% in collaboration with Backend and Production
+    * Frontend: Package optimisation and [CDN Hosting for .com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/57)
     * Edge: Ship large database seeder for developers
     * Edge: Enable Bullet by default
   * VP Eng: Eliminate critical stability issues
@@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ TODO: Link to Diff with the start of the quarter
     * Platform: Namespace and project renames work 100% of the time
     * Platform: Repository cache state eventually consistent within minutes (no manual expiration needed)
     * Frontend: Implement cross-browser automated testing. Catch at least one browser regression before release date.
+    * Frontend: Accomplish at least [3 technical debt/improvement issues]((https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32519)) per release cycle
     * CI/CD: Make [runners work on Google Compute Engine without dying halfway](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/1936). Done
     * CI/CD: Track and ensure the number of job failures due to system failure. Number < 0.01%
   * VP Scaling: Secure platform
@@ -218,6 +220,7 @@ TODO: Link to Diff with the start of the quarter
   * UX: [Improve perceived performance](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/29666)
   * Frontend: [Instant user feedback](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/27614)
   * Frontend: [Repo as editor](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/31890)
+  * Frontend: Get a [moonshot](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32519) (e.g. VSCode, Theia editor, Group dashboards) from PoC to Feature
   * CI/CD: [Improved support for Java development lifecycle](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33943). 2 projects done.
   * Head Prod: [Make vision video](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/32640). Published.
   * Head Prod: [Auto DevOps](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/2517) plans. 10 issues worked out.