Commits on Source (2)
beorn7 authored
Please pay special attention to this commit as I mostly react to my own comments (while also trying to incorporate results from wider discussions). In approximate order if importance: - As per discussion, I made acceptance of new team mebers depend on a supermajority vote (while given special emphasis on the desire to reach consensus). - As per discussion, I made maintainership independent from team membership, albeit explicitly called out as an exception. (I also mentioned the possible graduation path in the FAQ to illustrate how such an exception could look like.) - Changes in maintainership are now by lazy consensus, but have to be announced on the dev list. That saves us the explicit mention of a conflict-resolving vote, as that's part of our definition of lazy consensus. Thanks to maintainership being independent from team membership, everything a rogue maintainer has done, can be reverted, so there is no need to become any more formal about changes in maintainership. - Clarified that there are no “abstain” votes (which is relevant for the multi-option votes to determine majority). - Fixed “at least half the votes” to “more than half”. - Numerous typography (mostly Oxford comma and “proper quotes”) and spelling fixes (mostly favour -> favor, as we in general use American spelling).
beorn7 authored