@@ -66,9 +66,13 @@ As design files are mostly binary files, merge conflicts can easily get stuck in
- Try to adhere to [BEM naming convention](http://getbem.com/naming/) like so: block--element-modifier
*[Issue for Layer/Group Naming Convention Discussion](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/issues/13)*
## Sketch Management
- Please try to use the [Symbol Resizing](https://blog.sketchapp.com/sketch-39-brings-symbol-resizing-and-cloud-beta-a74d3aa0611a#.rcu9qt4er) feature, when creating symbols
- Add hidden *full red* (#FF0000) blocks, for important paddings and margins.
## Delivery
All designs mockups and details are delivered in the issue that describes the feature/problem/etc. So there is one place to look for everything related to it.