From Tim (Frontend AC Lead) he wasn't able to use Gitaly so there was a couple of solutions:
Edit the Procfile and comment the Gitaly section
Make sure your home (~) directory doesn't contain a git pattern. Tim had something like this
/home/gitl/gitlab/gitlab-development-kitl/gitlab/gitlab-development-kit/ as the GDK does search and replace on the /home/{username} dir
Run it with gdk run (Can take quite a while until it starts, refresh multiple times in browser loccalhost:3000) , after some time (~30 minutes) it will come up and show the users/sign_in page (couple of 502 / EOF errors before it starts correctly, restarting the whole machine also helps)
So now you should have a fully running GDK instance , try it out by logging in on http://localhost:3000 and browse. Only problem is you can’t really edit those files from the Windows machine (permission problems , etc. MS even states don’t edit Linux files with Windows applications)
What we will do is now do a second installation in your /mnt/… directory which is setup with your Windows hard drive. So I will create a directory on C:/ with the name tzwsl (as an example)
Run in your bash cd /mnt/c/tzwsl
Run here again gdk init
Change to the created directory cd gitlab-development-kit
Run gdk install
Rund gdk run -> Now you will get multiple errors as WSL has a problem to create .socket files in mnt due to permission problems . Solution reconfigure GDK to use the directory in /home/… for creating the sockets
Procfile changes :
Get Redis running :
Change in ./Procfile the line :
redis: exec redis-server /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.conf
To the path of your /home installation
redis: exec redis-server /home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.conf
Get Postgres Running :
Change that line
postgresql: exec support/postgresql-signal-wrapper /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/postgres -D /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql/data -k /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql -h ''
Again pointing at your /home/ installation
postgresql: exec support/postgresql-signal-wrapper /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/postgres -D /home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql/data -k /home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql -h ''
Point gitlab-workhorse to your home directory (only for socket) :
Change :
gitlab-workhorse: exec /usr/bin/env PATH="/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab-workhorse/bin:$PATH" gitlab-workhorse -authSocket /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab.socket -listenAddr
port -documentRoot /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/public -developmentMode -secretPath /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/.gitlab_workhorse_secret -config /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab-workhorse/config.toml
To :
gitlab-workhorse: exec /usr/bin/env PATH="/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab-workhorse/bin:$PATH" gitlab-workhorse -authSocket /home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab.socket -listenAddr
port -documentRoot /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/public -developmentMode -secretPath /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/.gitlab_workhorse_secret -config /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab-workhorse/config.toml
Run gdk install again, then it finished for me also with cloning gitaly, etc.
Configure gitaly (if you retry gdk run after this , it shouldn’t stop anymore with gitaly problems) :
Go to /gitaly/config.toml , change from :
socket_path = "/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly.socket"
To Using Sockets (-> overrides the socket creation problem)
socket_path = ""
listen_addr = "localhost:1234"
Get the Rails Application working :
Change in \gitlab\config\unicorn.rb the configuration :
listen '/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab.socket'
listen '/home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab.socket'
Change the Redis.socket Path in /gitlab/config/resque.yml :
development: unix:/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.socket
test: unix:/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.socket
development: unix:/home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.socket
test: unix:/home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/redis/redis.socket
Update the Database Socket in /gitlab/config/database.yml :
CHange the 2 host paths :
host: /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql
To using your home path :
host: /home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/postgresql
Update the Path to the example repositories (somehow it is not possible to pull them in the /mnt/ directory with the default installation) :
Go to the /gitlab/config/gitlab.yml and change :
path: /mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/repositories/
path: /home/tz/gitlab-development-kit/repositories/
Also Update the gitaly url in the line below from :
gitaly_address: unix:/mnt/c/tzwsl/gitlab-development-kit/gitaly.socket
To the TCP Address :
gitaly_address: tcp://localhost:1234
Run it again gdk run
You should have now a GDK instance running on localhost:3000 in your browser which is taking the Source files from the /mnt/ installation but simply saves some of the needed connection parts in the /home/ installation
@MadLittleMods : Could you please try your installation attempt again with my above description and verify that it also works for you and not only for me ?
@stanhu I can add the notes regarding the omnibus attempt but should I add it on this particular issue or should I open a new issue with my findings inside the repo?