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Do not use bundler to run foreman, because:

Do not use bundler to run foreman, because:

then the process could be using the Gemfile located on the root directory, which only has foreman as the dependency. Later on even if we set BUNDLE_GEMFILE to another Gemfile, bundler might have already setup and ignore the new BUNDLE_GEMFILE.

Before this patch, I cannot run the application due to missing rake, but cd into the sub-directory and run from there is running fine. With this patch ./run could be running fine as well.

I didn't dig into bundler internal to figure this out, but in my experience, messing around BUNDLE_GEMFILE is not a good idea and we should try only use bundler for the application, not the wrapping script. On the other hand, avoid bundle exec and prefer ruby -r bundler/setup would also reduce the complexity here. (avoiding an extra process)

Since foreman is the only dependency in this script, I think there's little point to use bundler here even if it works. If we really like to specify the version of foreman, we could also run with like: foreman _0.78.0_ or ruby -S foreman _0.78.0_, etc. I always use this before bundler.

Tested with:

  • ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-linux]
  • bundler (1.11.2)
  • foreman (0.78.0)
  • foreman (0.74.0)

@DouweM ping as requested :P

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