Add documentation for how to monitor customer apps with Prometheus using GDK.
Include documentation and support files for how to monitor customer apps with Prometheus using GDK.
Closes #205 (closed)
Merge request reports
assigned to @axil
@axil can you review and merge? Just documentation.
Edited by Joshua Lambert- doc/howto/ 0 → 100644
1 # Using Prometheus with GDK 2 3 Testing the Prometheus integration with the GitLab Development Kit requires some additional components. This is because the Prometheus integration requires a CI/CD deploy on Kubernetes. @jacobvosmaer-gitlab GDK doesn't depend on it, you can run it just fine without. The only reason you need k8s is because at the present time those are the only metrics we retrieve. So if you want to run a test on your local network you will need something like minikube, alternatively you can making GDK internet facing and use something like GKE. (The runners need the inbound net access.)
We have a stretch goal in 9.1, to support additional metric types other than those that come from k8s. So hopefully in 9.1 or 9.2 we will be able to support any metric types and remove the requirement for k8s.
OK so kubernetes is just something we can observe.
What about workhorse and gitaly? Those are on by default and have prometheus listeners.
@joshlambert To put it differently, if this is what 'Using Prometheus with GDK' means then that makes me feel like I don't understand what Prometheus is. My first thought would be that 'Using Prometheus with GDK' means observing GitLab application metrics during development.
@jacobvosmaer-gitlab You are correct, it should probably be named more clearly. The goal of this doc is to walk through folks who need to set up an environment to test out the Prometheus Service Integration, where we monitor a customer's deployed apps.
Do you think there is value in trying to allow developers to pull metrics on the performance of GDK on their own personal laptop? Am wondering if that will be too noisy, and hard to make comparisons.
Edited by Joshua Lambert
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for b997fba5 succeeds
mentioned in commit 0b1aaffd