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Commit 225662a7 authored by Annabel Dunstone Gray's avatar Annabel Dunstone Gray Committed by Phil Hughes
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Update design of auth error page

parent 1441cdf2
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@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
def omniauth_error
@provider = params[:provider]
@error = params[:error]
render 'errors/omniauth_error', layout: "errors", status: 422
render 'errors/omniauth_error', layout: "oauth_error", status: 422
def cas3
- content_for(:title, 'Auth Error')
%img{ :alt => "GitLab Logo", :src => image_path('logo.svg') }
= render "shared/errors/graphic_422.svg"
%h3 Sign-in using #{@provider} auth failed
%p Sign-in failed because #{@error}.
%p There are couple of steps you can take:
%li Try logging in using your email
%li Try logging in using your username
%li If you have forgotten your password, try recovering it using #{ link_to "Password recovery", new_password_path(resource_name) }
%p.light.subtitle Sign-in failed because #{@error}.
%p Try logging in using your username or email. If you have forgotten your password, try recovering it
%p If none of the options work, try contacting the GitLab administrator.
= link_to "Sign in", new_session_path(:user), class: 'btn primary'
= link_to "Recover password", new_password_path(resource_name), class: 'btn secondary'
%p.light If none of the options work, try contacting a GitLab administrator.
!!! 5
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title: Redesign auth 422 page
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