Inconsistency between doc and API for user update
According to API documentation for user, you can update the parameter extern_uid. But if you take a look on API source code, there is no way to update extern_uid with a PUT on /users/:id
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
According to API documentation for user, you can update the parameter extern_uid. But if you take a look on API source code, there is no way to update extern_uid with a PUT on /users/:id
mentioned in issue #993 (closed)
Added ~15078 label
Added ~13884 label
Reassigned to @axil
Milestone changed to 8.4
mentioned in merge request !681 (closed)
mentioned in issue #10421 (moved)
Milestone changed to 8.5
Milestone removed
It's possible to send the extern_uid
now when updating a user, so the implementation now matches the documentation.
Closing this issue
mentioned in merge request !14785