I install from source (actually, I upgrade from 7.7 manually following the doc 7.7-to-7.8). In 7.7, this setting is in config.yml, it works. After upgrade, the setting is removed from config.yml. Now, it doesn't work.
@j.nicolas which type of installation do you have? If you set Default projects limit in /admin/application_settings and Save, after you reload the page does the number stay? Do you have access to the rails console?
I've followed instruction on https://about.gitlab.com/downloads/ (Omnibus package) for ubuntu 14.04, I have latest version 7.8.1.
When I reload the page, the number I entered stays.
I don't konw what is rails console, but I have access to the machine where it is installed in ssh.
Hi, one precision : when I update the number of Default projects limit in admin area / Application settings, it doesn't work, users still have restriction to 10 projects. But, in admin area, if I edit one user's properties and then set Personal projects limit, it works.
Do I have to edit all users one by one to update their project limit ?
What Default projects limit is used for ? Users' Personal projects limit value should be updated with Default projects limit value, no ?
i have this issue with Gitlab 8.16.4.
I have set system wide the limit to 0 and the Group creation permission to deny.
And all new users are external.
Now i would like to set for my admin user the limit to 1000 and allow the group creation and set me not to external.
Then i click the save button and got the response that this was successful.
But after when i scroll down the limit is 0 and the group creation is denied.
Same as @strausmann on 8.16.4 on Debian (Jessie). I tried setting it to -1, 0, 1000 and even restarting each time but without success.
I installed GitLab using the omnibus-package.
Please tell me which additional information you require.
EDIT: I found out that I also had to manually edit each user's limit and that the global setting doesn't seem to affect already created users. Too bad.
@strausmann external users are hard coded to zero personal projects. gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#15173. Try making one edit to set your user as internal, click Save, then edit again to make the other changes.