Wiki TOC isn't rendering
For some reason [[_TOC_]]
isn't rendering on our wiki pages.
Here's how it looks in Gollum:
And how it looks in Gitlab:
Broken links
I've also noticed that external links seem to be rendering as relative links. In the example below the hyper link is to an external smb server (it's the same for local files) called files, but Gitlab seems to append the path to the end of the URL:
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- Contributor
@DouweM could you take a look at this please?
- Maintainer
@sammcj Could you let me know what format you are using for that first page (Markdown, RDoc or AsciiDoc), and could you post the raw source of that page? That should help me narrow down where this issue originates.
- Author
@DouweM Thanks for looking into this.
We're using Markdown.
So when I create a page with:
[[_TOC_]] # Bla ## bla bla # bla ## bla ## bla
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Here is the rendered HTML of the content block from Firefox 36.0.1:
<div class="content"> <div class="flash-container"> </div> <div class="clearfix"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class=""><a href="/systems/docs/wikis/home">Home</a> </li><li class=""><a href="/systems/docs/wikis/pages">Pages</a> </li><li class=""><a href="/systems/docs/wikis/git_access"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Git Access </a></li><div class="pull-right"> <a class="add-new-wiki btn btn-new" data-toggle="modal" href="#modal-new-wiki"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> New Page </a></div> </ul> <div class="modal hide" id="modal-new-wiki"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <a class="close" data-dismiss="modal" href="#">×</a> <h3 class="page-title">New Wiki Page</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <label for="new_wiki_path"><span>Page slug</span> </label><input class="form-control" data-wikis-path="/systems/docs/wikis" id="new_wiki_path" name="new_wiki_path" placeholder="how-to-setup" required="required" type="text"> <p class="hint"> Please don't use spaces. </p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a class="build-new-wiki btn btn-create" href="#">Build</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="page-title"> Testingtoc <span class="pull-right"> <a class="btn btn-grouped" href="/systems/docs/wikis/Testingtoc/history">Page History </a><a class="btn btn-grouped" href="/systems/docs/wikis/Testingtoc/edit"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> Edit </a></span> </h3> <hr> <div class="wiki-holder"> <div class="wiki"> <p>[[<em>TOC</em>]]</p> <h1 id="bla">Bla<a href="#bla"></a></h1><h2 id="bla-bla">bla bla<a href="#bla-bla"></a></h2><h1 id="bla">bla<a href="#bla"></a></h1><h2 id="bla">bla<a href="#bla"></a></h2><h2 id="bla">bla<a href="#bla"></a></h2></div> </div> <hr> <div class="wiki-last-edit-by"> Last edited by Sam McLeod <time data-original-title="Mar 07, 2015 1:41pm" class="time_ago" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" datetime="2015-03-07T02:41:31Z" title="">less than a minute ago</time> <script>$('.time_ago').timeago().tooltip()</script> </div> </div> </div>
And lastly here is a screenshot of how it renders:
- Maintainer
@sammcj The reason the TOC isn't rendered is commit 7665b1de, which disables Gollum's formatting for Markdown and uses the GitLab Markdown renderer (which is also used for issues and comments) instead.
I'll have a look next week, but it may not be trivial to combine the GitLab Markdown renderer with Gollum's special tags.
The SMB link is a different issue, that should be easier to fix. Will look into that as well.
- Author
Oh really? Does Gitlab's formatting have anything for rendering tables of contents as an alternative?
If not - my alternative is to manually make TOCs using a combination of regexes and copy and pasting but it's not very sustainable in the long term.
FYI for those looking for a temporary workaround - I've been using this Sublime Text plugin to help generate makeshift TOCs:
- Maintainer
@sammcj I did some digging into this, and unfortunately it's not currently feasible to have the GitLab Markdown renderer and the Gollum one that supports TOC tags and other extra wiki-specific features work together, because the way they work and the markup they output is too different.
GitLab Markdown does not have any specific functionality for rendering ToC's, so your best bet would be to write and keep it up to date manually at the top of your wiki pages.
With regards to the SMB link issue, I'm working on a fix.
- Author
That is disappointing - Gitlab's wiki is shaping up to be great but it's a pain having to manually manage TOCs once you have a large number of articles / pages.
It would also be awesome if Gitlab's wiki supported Markdown table sorting - but that's for another day ;)
Anyway, thanks for looking at it - I appreciate it.
1 - Maintainer
@sammcj Support for
links has been added and will be in 7.9. - Author
Thanks @DouweM
- Maintainer
@sammcj for markdown toc I personally use this tool
1 - Owner
We recently changed some Markdown parsing that might make this doable, so I'll take a look.
- Robert Speicher Reassigned to @rspeicher
Reassigned to @rspeicher
+1 I would also very much appreciate this function.
- Robert Speicher Assignee removed
Assignee removed
- Maintainer
TOC is now rendering on the wiki
- username-removed-2900 Status changed to closed
Status changed to closed
In which release was it fixed? Looks like the last related commit was a month ago, but I don't see the fix on I suppose the latest release containing it hasn't made it there yet.So it looks like it is being rendered on saved pages, but there are 2 issues:
- It's not being rendered in previews, and
- It's not honouring subtitle indenting (i.e. all H1s, H2s, H3s, etc. are kept at the same level).
Can anyone else reproduce?
Edited by username-removed-13228- Owner
@colan It should be live. To be clear: this is a list of the headers in the current document, not an index of all the wiki pages.
Make sure to use the
tag (case-sensitive, with underscores) and that your document has some headers.There's also an open MR to add this to all Markdown documents, and to improve the nesting:
Edited by Robert Speicher - Maintainer
@rspeicher I believe @colan is right, see:
[[_TOC_]] # Title 1 # Title 2 ## Subtitle 1
Will render in
preview as:Goodnews is that it works with the changes in : !3461 (merged) :)
- Gabriel Mazetto mentioned in merge request !3461 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !3461 (merged)
- Gabriel Mazetto Reassigned to @brodock
Reassigned to @brodock
- Gabriel Mazetto Milestone changed to 8.7
Milestone changed to 8.7
- Robert Speicher mentioned in commit 730625f0
mentioned in commit 730625f0
- Sid Sijbrandij Mentioned in issue #2073 (moved)
Mentioned in issue #2073 (moved)
@colan Just updated to latest and still seeing the lack of honor (i.e. all H1s, H2s, H3s, etc. are kept at the same level).
3- username-removed-13228 Mentioned in issue #23373 (closed)
Mentioned in issue #23373 (closed)
Confirmed. I'm seeing the same thing. It's not hierarchical is both preview & live mode. I created a follow-up issue at #23373 (closed).
- Gabriel Mazetto Assignee removed
Assignee removed
- Gabriel Mazetto Reassigned to @brodock
Reassigned to @brodock