Ok, so a master in the gitlab ce project does not have manage_builds by default? Would it be possible if the core team gets assigned those permissions?
@jvanbaarsen I think that you are looking on a build in a fork that belongs to use liqiang.cui and you obviously doesn't have right to manage this builds.
Hm ok, I dont think that abvious at all. I have been able to manage builds for all kind of opensource projects I'm core member of. So it is probably something we want to reconsider.
Well, I think that we do not really want to inherit permissions from a base project in forks. This is basically a separate project after it has been forked, and may live with it's own life afterwards. After it has been forked to a different namespace it then belongs to that namespace, and in my opinion this is perfectly valid. What do you think about it @jvanbaarsen?
@grzesiek It is a seperate project, until someone tries to merge code back into the main codebase. I think those builds should probably be done on the target repo. (So we should build PRs on the target repo, not the source repo).
@jvanbaarsen It would be nice feature to have it configurable (making it possible to use project runners when build has been triggered by merge request), but this still makes it possible for someone to overuse runners when he decides to open too many merge requests to a base project. This is something that we can consider, but it is not that easy it seems I think. cc @ayufan
Making it possible to manage builds that has been triggered by a merge request, by members of a project that this merge has been requested into, and not using base project runners, may be a solution, but this is still quite hard to implement (conditional cross-permissions).