I have a project that serves as a template and I use this project as the "base" for several other projects. Unfortunately, there is no ability choose the resulting fork name, before the act. Also, you cannot fork the same project twice into the same target namespace.
I propose a change such that:
the initial name of a fork can be changed before the fork is performed.
Does this use case actually suggest that we'd like the ability to copy projects, rather than fork? We have the same scenario, many times, where the new project does not need to, perhaps even should not, be linked back to the original.
In fact, for some use case we don't even need the entire repository, but just the tip of master, or a specific tag or branch.
Yeah, I think its fair to say its more a copy than fork.
Thinking about it, my derived projects are never going to push back to the upstream. I may, however, need to pull down from the upstream (common fixes to the base); but that is done locally per derived repo.
This would actually eliminate a lot of headaches for my workflow. We use private forks of a master repository for students to do their work in and I've found that the fork/rename/transfer method can be a little non-deterministic.
I've had cases where the API/importer simply can't keep up, since there is no way to determine when the fork/import finishes. I've ended up renaming/transferring a repo before the import was finished and students end up with blank repositories and cleanup is a mess. I've had to add a lot of sleeps into my codebase and just hope that it finished before I try to transfer the fork. It goes so much slower now I was considering looking into communicating directly with the work queue.
This makes also sense when forking one of the GitLab pages examples (https://gitlab.com/pages). In that case it would also be helpful if you could remove the forking relationship upon creation.
Thanks @winniehell! I like it!! Basically, we auto fill in the suggested name and path, but you can easily change it if you want and/or uncheck keep the forking relationship, right?
This would be amazing to be merged along with !5760 (closed) MR that I started but did not complete since it has not been yet scheduled. WDYT \cc @JobV@DouweM
I had some thoughts on this issue after going through the code:
Having a different name shouldn't be any trouble, just pass it as a parameter.
Having a new path will require changes.
lib/gitlab_projects.rb in gitlab-shell will need to be modified to handle the change of path between forks.
In order to have the new path in available in gitlab-shell, the path would have to be passed through everything ($GITLAB_SHELL/lib/gitlab_projects.rb, lib/gitlab/shell.rb, app/workers/repository_fork_worker.rb and app/models/project.rb). This could have a knock on effect on anything that uses the modified routines.
I am not exactly sure the best way to deal with the fork relationship. The code currently requires the relationship to do the initial fork, should the UnlinkForkService just be called after the fork?
The "new fork" page will have to be redone. Currently the picture of the user/group is just a link with the post method and with a URL query in it, this would need to be changed to a form so the new name/path can be submitted. I had an idea to turn each of the pictures in to a button than can submit the form and also send the namespace id when clicked. This won't work because somewhere in the javascript code, the default behaviour of this kind of button is overridden and the value contained in the button is discarded.
Will any changes be made to the API?
All sorts of new tests will have to be written.
Edit: I have done a basic version at jameshclrk/gitlab-ce@e3425600 and jameshclrk/gitlab-shell@1cb2e8f4
As requested in issue #17634 (closed) setting the visibility in the fork dialog would make things much easier. Currently, it is very difficult to fork a public project into a private group; you would have to create a temporary group, adjust visibility there and move project into the final namespace then.
Hence, when changing the fork related API this should be considered too.
Had a peek at the code written by @jameshclrk and was thinking perhaps it is heading the right direction for this.
As he mentioned, does not look like the gitlab-shell support fork_project with a custom project name; which can be useful for this implementation of custom project name.
Instead of using the UnlinkForkService. I think if we want to support copy, we may need to do something with https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/app/models/project.rb#L518
The import will only work, if the project is a forked, and it is only a fork if it has a link relationship with the base project. A clone project should not have that. Maybe an opportunity to refactor that, and explicitly call either import/fork/copy?
What do you think? Should this go through some more UX work before it's being worked on?
I like it @winh, I think this is a great first iteration. I don't think there is a need to do more UX at this stage. I will update the description with these mocks and label it 'UX Ready'.
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How will this affect users of GitLab CE that build from source?
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Where can I see a timeline of the remaining steps?