It would be great to have this, especially in combination with task lists. Right now we have issues with task lists where each task is a reference to an issue. If closed tasks were shown with strikethrough automatically that makes it much more visually clear what the status is.
This would be a really great value-add for us too. We always mention dependent issues in a parent issue and would be great to see visually which ones have been closed. I'd suggest applying a dedicated CSS style to all closed ones, so we can style it even further, if needed. For example, we'd like them grayed out and crossed out at the same time.
We'd also prefer the closed issue numbers being crossed out instead of adding brackets with "[closed]". Shorter and quicker to process.
@victorwu Yes, I have a merge request open for this - Right now it introduces a performance degradation so we cannot merge it. We have an idea how to overcome this performance degradation, but it requires changes in our Markdown rendering mechanism. Currently I'm not able to tell how big the required changes may be - I have to look into the code and see how realistic our idea is. If this feature is important for you I can make it my priority.
@dimitrieh We will do it both for issues and merge request. For sure it will work in user comments, but I'm not certain about system notes. I have to check if they go through the same pipeline or not.
@dimitrieh It is kind of awkward to read the status after the issuable number. The status is an adjective, which normally comes before the subject in English.
It also seems to make more sense with an issuable comment, because the status is a modifier for the issuable, but it looks like it is attached to the comment.
Thanks @adamniedzielski, it's great for seeing the status quickly.
But I don't like the visual style of it. For some reason the (closed) and (merged) text disrupt me when I'm reading a sentence containing a mentionable.
@dimitrieh What do you think if we would instead of:
Show it something like this:
Or maybe a simpler fix, show it as superscript:
Alternatively, we also might consider showing the status in the tooltip?
@to1ne Those options don't seem to fix your main issue. It disrupts you when you are reading, because it produces grammatically incorrect English sentences. You don't read formatting in your head, so more formatting is not going to fix the issue, unless it obscures the status to the point that you are no longer reading it. See
@to1ne I was trying to illustrate what people read in their head, not suggesting that we should change #123 to issue. I updated the comment to clarify.