Create a view with badges and expose at least build status
The problem: Right now we have a build badge, but this is pretty much hidden in docs and not easily accessible.
We should add a view with at least badges for builds.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
The problem: Right now we have a build badge, but this is pretty much hidden in docs and not easily accessible.
We should add a view with at least badges for builds.
mentioned in issue #13559 (closed)
Possible duplicate of #13286 (closed)
mentioned in issue #13982 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !3326 (merged)
We agreed with @ayufan that we need to expose builds badges along with markdown text, so that it would be easy to copy-paste badge link to README.
We also agreed on moving this feature to 8.7
Milestone changed to 8.7
Removed feature proposal label
mentioned in issue #13286 (closed)
mentioned in issue #14717 (closed)
Status changed to closed by commit 8eae7b10
mentioned in commit 8eae7b10
mentioned in issue #15598 (closed)
Mentioned in commit pfjason/gitlab-ce@8eae7b10