allow multiple users with the same email
when creating a new user, one has to pass a unique username (makes sense, as this identifies a persona) and a unique email address (wtf?).
also, when adding a new email-address to my existing account, i can only add addresses that nobody else claimed.
i think not allowing email-addresses to be shared is slightly problematic, as it prevents users from creating multiple personas if they only have a single email address (or don't want to use e.g. their work email address for private repos or vice-versa).
the restriction probably makes for a provider like GitHub, where the (iirc) terms-of-use state that a single person may only create a single account. But for my own gitlab instance i would like to be able to make up my own terms-of-use.
in practice, sometimes people do share email-addresses (esp. generic addresses): however, this means that the first user can claim the address, blocking other users to show that they are affiliated with that email address.
This is also related to #1376 (closed), where the official workaround for write-access deploy keys is to create a dummy user: if my dummy users must not share their email-addresses, i need to create a dummy email address for each repository that needs a write-acess deploy key.