Deleted project still stays visible and 404 issue
Deleted project still remains visible and issues with 404 when clicking on it
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Deleted project still remains visible and issues with 404 when clicking on it
@joshfng time was added to handle NFS slowness.
@yorickpeterse can we add where(pending_delete: false)
as default scope for Project model without performance impact?
@dzaporozhets If the column is indexed I don't think that should be a problem.
Then lets do it. @DouweM please propose milestone
Added ~12980 label
Added ~155950 label
Milestone changed to 8.7
Reassigned to @zj
mentioned in merge request !3439 (merged)
Status changed to closed by merge request !3439 (merged)
mentioned in commit 3cd28c01