These are the current options for Web hook Triggers:
Push eventsThis url will be triggered by a push to the repositoryTag push eventsThis url will be triggered when a new tag is pushed to the repositoryCommentsThis url will be triggered when someone adds a commentIssues eventsThis url will be triggered when an issue is created/updated/mergedMerge Request eventsThis url will be triggered when a merge request is created/updated/mergedBuild eventsThis url will be triggered when the build status changes
The Build events Trigger is run regardless of whether or not the build is successful.
Can you add an option that will only Trigger the Web hook if the build succeeds?
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@SeanPlusPlus the build web hooks have a key called build_status in its payload. If it's set to success (i.e. "build_status":"success") you get the information you want.
I understand that's not the same as a specific trigger for successful builds that could go to another URL, but I doubt that this will happen, because it will just add confusion to the web hooks UI.
You should probably build a trivial script which triggers a downstream web hook only if it receives a gitlab build web hook with the build_status key set to success.
Adding a variable to the webhook on when to trigger is easier, IMO. If you check whether the status of the trigger (that is, build, pipeline, etc.) is the one you are expecting, before the call, you can reduce misfires and executions of pipelines.
Also, "on status change" is quite ambiguous, and having a fix status or set of them may be better.
I just wanted to bring some attention to this feature proposal since the changes that are coming to the CI. With the new cap, triggering pipelines that are already working is a downside. Thus, having a way to control which pipelines are executed and which ones are not is a good way to save execution time.
@markglenfletcher How was this irrelevant in #27805 (closed)? Job status or Pipeline Status only triggering upon success seems logical.
For example I have .gilab-ci.yml running tests and I only want the webhook to be kicked off if the pipeline passes, because if it fails don't want to run the webhook.
Totally, I am using a web hook to deploy to aws code-pipeline., I dont
want to have to change the lambda function that webhooks calls - seems
like wrong place to do it. Should be as close to source as possible
surely - i.e. in the gitlab webhook config, and only for certain
@markglenfletcher I'm with @cdenneen on this one. I think that we still need a native way of just triggering successful pipelines, or even better, to trigger on status.
Also, checking the documentation there is not much information on the difference between pipeline and jobs triggers. I guess that a pipeline consists of jobs. Thus, a pipeline is triggered twice(?), and then each job in the pipeline is also triggered, at least, twice too(?).
@markglenfletcher I'm sure others are doing something different but what I'd like to accomplish is the following workflow:
commit to branch 'sync'
run pipeline
open MR, automatically merge if build succeeds, delete source branch
So I'm guessing there would need to be a webhook filtered based on branch name 'sync' that would automatically open MR with automatically merge if build succeeds and delete source branch upon push event.
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How will this affect users of GitLab CE that build from source?
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Where can I see a timeline of the remaining steps?