Public list of private project members
HO: 128051
A list of members for a private project is accessible to users not belonging to that project.
Most is copied over from HackerOne as they are good quality reports
The following steps require that you're signed in as a user that can create a new project. When someone imports project members from another project, the following code is executed:
# app/controllers/projects/project_members_controller.rb:96
def apply_import
giver = Project.find(params[:source_project_id])
# ...
redirect_to(namespace_project_project_members_path(project.namespace, project),
notice: notice)
When an attacker would specify a source_project_id
that references a private project, it would copy the members of that project and it would add them to your own project. This way, you can check out who has access to which project. This information could be helpful in other attacks and/or could be used for social engineering since the email address of those people are public too.
The fix of this issue depends on if you want to allow projects to be imported the user has access to or only within the team scope.
/cc @DouweM