Let users and groups sort repositories into collections on their profile page.
I think it would be helpful to allow users to sort their repositories into groups. I don't know what to call this -- super repositories, sub-projects, collections, categories...?
This issue is inspired by a dicussion among the GIMP developers about how to organize plugins, extensions, etc. Having each plugin be stored in its own repository would be helpful for bug tracking, managing user feedback, and so on. However, one plugin author said that he preferred to put all his extensions and scripts into a single repository, or at least very few repositories, because he has written dozens of scripts for GIMP, and putting each little script into its own repo would clutter up his git profile page.
A workaround for this type of situation might be to create a new GitLab group for each category of projects -- but this would mean having to manage more project namespaces, more and more groups, without a clear and obvious way of showing that all the groups are part of the same larger organization. And for a single developer's personal projects, creating groups might distract from the fact that they did all the work themselves.
However, I don't think we really need to create separate project namespaces, if we could instead give users the option to go to their profile page and sort projects into collections or categories. This should be good for teams/Groups too, actually. It would make it much easier to browse a profile page to see what kinds of things the developers have been working on.
I don't know of any other git hosting services that do this, so it would also score extra points for GitLab :)