Wow the problem is more global, I don't see any issues or MR's at that page. When I go to that page with another browser I see all issues and MRs. It looks like AJAX request has been cached.
@sytses Reported yesterday in the operations chat that he didn't find some issue in the list as well. I didn't see that issue either by the way. It could be related.
I know what the problem is. It drove me crazy :) because it seemed like related to my browser only. I removed the issuable_sort cookie and everything has been shown.
Steps to reproduce: Go to the project where there is no any milestone and choose issues sorting by "Milestone due soon" and all issues and MRs will be hidden. This is a bug itself, but the worse thing is that this option will be applied to any project I go since the state is stored in a cookie.
I think we should keep that behavior of saving filter state.
My suggestion is to show issues without milestones at the end when this option is selected.
When i am filtering by milestone/author/assignee/label/weight and select any filter in the right dropdown,
the state is lost so i have to select all the options again. We should keep the state of all dropdowns.
@vsizov Thanks for figuring this out. @felipe_artur I think your second issue is fixed thanks to @iamphill. The first issue: If the cookie is saved on a per project basis does that solve everything?
@jschatz1 I made a small commit about saving cookie per project/group
It can be a good feature, however i don't think it will solve the problem.
I think the right dropdown in the filter is about ordering and not filtering elements,
this can be confusing to the user since the left dropdowns are supposed to do the filtering.
In my opinion the best solution in the case should be showing Merge requets/Issues without a milestone at the beginning or at the end of the results list.
Another suggestion: When i am ordering by column i d like to see the context value on the list.
For example, when i select to order by "most popular" i d like to see the number of votes in each Issue/MR on the results list. The same should happen to all other columns.
@ak_nuuk It looks like you look at "Closed" issues but you have 3 open :) Maybe I'm wrong, it would be great if you make full screenshot with no overlapping, so we will be sure ;)
@ak_nuuk Ah sorry, our new UI has a global sidebar which is not related to any particular project, so your "Issues" on sidebar are not related to this particular project, it's your global issues. So it looks like you have no issues in the project.
@vsizov There are open issues in this project. The issues are not assigned to me but they are open. I can see them all in the activity screen and show the detail view for each issue - but I dont see the issues (that are not assigned to me) in the issue overview for the project. It looks like a bug for me. Right now I only see one issue (assigned to me) in the issue overview. Attached the activity screen:
@ak_nuuk Your last screenshot shows that you have one issue in the project, I see it in top menu but look at your previous screenshots. They are empty. Why?
@vsizov They are confidential - sorry that I didn't mentioned that. But I'm Owner of the Group. The confidential settings dialog for each issue says "This issue is confidential and should only be visible to team members with at least Reporter access." - thought that I can see them as a Group owner.