We need a nicer 503 page
cc @rspeicher @iamphill @alfredo1 @annabeldunstone @elvongray
@dzaporozhets Who should design this? I have MS Paint. So I vote me.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
cc @rspeicher @iamphill @alfredo1 @annabeldunstone @elvongray
@dzaporozhets Who should design this? I have MS Paint. So I vote me.
Added frontend label
Milestone changed to 8.8
I think we should just copy one of the 404/500 pages and change the error message. Why wouldn't that work?
@rspeicher Yah I guess that's fine. We could do that.
Reassigned to @rspeicher
mentioned in commit d85f65ef
mentioned in merge request !3894 (merged)
Status changed to closed by commit d85f65ef
mentioned in commit b79c5c40
Mentioned in commit pfjason/gitlab-ce@d85f65ef
Mentioned in commit pfjason/gitlab-ce@b79c5c40