I'm not sure if it's the same error, but I'm getting a 500 when trying to create a wiki page on gitlab.com. From the small amount of testing I've done, it only seems to happen when I try to create a page in a project under a group (both private and public). When I create a project under my username, page creation works fine.
Content doesn't seem to affect the issue. Trying to create the initial home page and a separate page with content a fails after clicking the create page button.
Yes, this does look like the same bug in GitLab.com. We're seeing the same exception in Sentry. It looks like somehow the current group is being passed along instead of the current user.
Also have this issue on my on premises install. Have to create empty files with git access as a workaround, then editing those pages works even trough web interface.
Might not be the right place to ask, but Is the git clone of the wiki a work-around for this bug until the fix drops?
If so, on a new project with no wiki pages (yet) I clone and have an empty local repository what would I name the first filename to bootstrap the wiki?
@basictheprogram I am doing it by cloning the wiki repo and adding the file named Home.md and all the other files that I will be needing (for example: how-to-setup.md) and push them all back.
Not sure if it's the same problem or not, or related.
Unlike @Rfvgyhn , if I already have a wikis/home page that has content, I can still create new pages from it. But if my wikis/home page doesn't have content already, then I can't modify it or create new wiki pages (both result in a 500).
Since this appears to only effect unused wikis, I did try turning off a wiki, then turning it back on. It made no difference at all.
FWIW: All my testing was done in the same group namespace.
@connorshea - I was well aware of those before posting and I intentionally picked the issue that seemed to be the most active and inclusive of the known issues.
My comment started off by saying I wasn't sure if it was the same or a related issue, and then I detailed a specific observation that I had not seen mentioned in the threads I read through.
I assumed it was a related issue, which is exactly why I posted it in this thread. Because of the detail I observed and without knowing if the fix had been pushed up to gitlab.org, I didn't know whether this was a new problem because of the fix.
@metasean I was just collecting all the duplicates so they could be closed once this issue is closed, it wasn't targeted at anyone in particular. Apologies for the misunderstanding.