For now the Todos badge has the background color of #f8f8f8 which is fine if there's 0 todos.
But if there's 1 or more todos available, that badge does not attracts attention to itself.
What if we change the background color of Todos badge, say, to orange (#e75e40) if there's 1 or more todos available?
@dbalexandre red is danger. If we were going to change the color it would have to be a blue (or something like that) as blue demands a primary action. I'll defer to @dzaporozhets. Your thoughts dz?
@jschatz1 according to colour - grey if zero, blue if 1+.
According to counter itself - its not clear what are those numbers. Just number "3" near logout button makes no sense to me. In design it was an icon instead of numbers. Like Since you already touch this subject can you improve it by adding icon to counter. Example:
@jschatz1 in future when left sidebar will be static and "Todo" with counter will always be visible in it - we can leave only icon and remove counter completely
@dzaporozhets I agree! Let's make it clear that these numbers apply to todos. I like your design. I just wanted to make sure it didn't take up too much vertical space!
Also I wanted to make sure that it draws attention. I made three mockups with three different colors. I think the orange draws the most attention but I think the green is the most positive. Your thoughts @dzaporozhets?
Here's some quick and dirty HTML and CSS as inline styles.
Aww shucks thanks @dzaporozhets. This is an easy one to knock out and get some UX brownie points for. Let's go for blue. This is the standard blue we use.