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Complete as many criterion listed by the GNU Ethical Repository Criteria's "A" grade as is reasonable
To make GitLab pass the "B"-level criteria are handled in #15677 (moved) and #15621 (moved).
The following are the "A"-level criteria listed by the GNU Ethical Repository Criteria:
- All important site functions work correctly (though may not look as nice) when the user disables execution of JavaScript and other code sent by the site. (A0)
- Server code released as free software. (A1)
- Encourages use of GPL 3-or-later as preferred option. (A2)
- Offers use of AGPL 3-or-later as an option. (A3)
- Does not permit nonfree licenses (or lack of license) for works for practical use. (A4)
- Does not recommend services that are SaaSS. (A5)
- Says “free software,” not “open source.” (A6)
- Clearly endorses the Free Software Movement's ideas of freedom. (A7)
- Avoids saying “Linux” without “GNU” when referring to GNU/Linux. (A8)
And here's our status/my comments and opinions on them:
- A0:
Probably not passing this one, might be worth thinking about, but unfortunately probably won't happen.I was apparently wrong about this one, and much of the site's main functionality does indeed work without JavaScript enabled! - A1:
I think we've done this already?Upon further clarification, without a free software license for EE (the version running on, this is not considered completed. - A2: Depends on if they consider what we've done/will do to reach the B grade as "encourages use of GPL 3+".
- A3: We offer AGPL, but not specific versions (e.g. 3-or-later), we should definitely aim to do this one.
- A4: Not entirely clear, but I don't think this one is really reasonable?
- A5: Depending on the exact definition of a SaaSS (Service as a Software Substitute), we might be doing this one already?
- A6: Maybe? Probably not though.
- A7: Not sure exactly what is meant by this, but I think we do?
- A8:
Not going to do this one, I don't think Stallman has even been doing this lately.This may be considered, although I'm still personally opposed. Stallman does indeed still use GNU/Linux, I must be misremembering something else.
Let me reiterate, the above are my opinions and comments, and mine alone. They are not necessarily representative of the views of GitLab as a company.
So here are the ones I think we can reasonably complete, pending exact clarification from the FSF, in order of perceived "easiness":
- All important site functions work correctly (though may not look as nice) when the user disables execution of JavaScript and other code sent by the site. (A0)
- Encourages use of GPL 3-or-later as preferred option. (A2)
- Offers use of AGPL 3-or-later as an option. (A3)
- Clearly endorses the Free Software Movement's ideas of freedom. (A7)
- Does not recommend services that are SaaSS. (A5)
5/9 ain't bad.